18. The Aftermath

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// So I thought of show both of them at work, with the hickeys and how everyone reacts to them. My favourite will probably be Mike and how his students react 😏//

MIKE, AT SCHOOL ~slight trigger warning (the word rape is mentioned but not in a serious way. 12yo kid joke way)

"Can I hide these? Am I being stupid? Do they look like bruises?" I was standing in front of a mirror in the staff bathroom, staring at the large purple marks on my neck. "there's no hiding these, I cant do up my short fully..." I groaned, giving up and heading back to my classroom.

As I was walking along by the staff room I heard a familiar voice, Rian. "Looks like you got some last night huh? Guess the song worked!" he laughed.

"Oh man are they that obvious? Please don't say that. I have too teach with these!" I sighed, stopping to talk.

"Well yeah, they're pretty big. I've never seen you with them though, how'd it happen?" he leaned on the door frame, watching and looking at the marks.

"To cut it short I was really tired and away in my own head and well, yeah, she thought it would be fun to make me go to work with these since I do it to her all the time"

He laughed, "So Alex has probably perfected the art of hiding hickeys where as you can't for the life of you?"

"Yeah. And she works in a guitar store where she deals with adults all day but I bloody work here! And I know fine and well these kids know what hickeys are. There's no saying it's a bruise!" I sighed frustrated.

"Dude it'll be fine. If they start bringing up just shout at them, if they keep going give detention for distracting the class. I've got detention pupils tonight so if they talk about it there I'll shut them up." As Rian finished speaking the bell rang.

"Yeah, thanks, I'll keep that in mind." I walked away, back to my class.

The worst class of the day by far were the first year students. Seeing as they're 12 they had probably learned what a hickey was yesterday. When they had all settled and I began teaching one of them piped up.

"Sir? What that on your neck?" they giggled and chuckled amongst others.

"Its a bruise Cameron. Which is completely irrelevant to what I'm trying to teach." I took a deep breath. "Now, the orche-"

I was cut off again by Cameron, "Oh, i don't think that's a bruise sir. That's definitely a hickey!" the whole class started laughing.

I sighed, nothing gets past these little buggers. "and so what if it is Cameron? It's only a purple mark on my skin. Get over it and just listen to this lesson." I remembered what Rian had said. "If I hear anything else coming from your mouth this lesson I will give you detention for tonight!" I raised my voice to get my point across.

I must have raised my voice a little further than normal as the boy now looked scared, "Yes Mr Pritchard." he slumped back into his chair, silence.

Towards the end of class I thought I had gotten away with no detentions, I smiled to myself at the thought. However I had spoken too soon, I must have gotten distracted at the thought and what brought me back to reality put me over the edge.

"Sir! Are you too busy thinking about how your girlfriend raped you last night?" it was Cameron again.

I looked towards him and I could feel fire in my eyes. "Repeat what you just said?" he had no fear for me now.

"were you too busy thinking about how your girl raped you last night?" he snickered as the rest of the class just started.

"HOW DARE YOU SAY SUCH A RUDE AND COMPLETELY INAPPROPRIATE SENTENCE IN MY CLASSROOM ABOUT MY PARTNER AND PRIVATE LIFE! IF I HAD THE CHOICE I WOULDN'T BE TEACHING YOU OR ANY OF THIS CLASS." I slammed my hands down on my desk as I ripped a detention slip from the pad and started writing one for Cameron. The bell had rang during all this and the rest of the class took the opportunity to get out of the classroom.

I handed the slip to Cameron. "Detention is in Mr Dawson's room after school. If your not there I will know and I will be in contact with your parents." he took the slip and ran out of the room.

"Man. This is hard." I sighed deeply.


I come in the back entrance to the store, putting my stuff in the break room and putting in my name tag.

"Oh Alex! Good your here, I need you out front today there's only like three people working today." it was my boss, Chase.

"out front? Okay..." I quickly buttoned my work polo shirt up to the top but it was still a little loose when I turned round to face him.

I saw his eyes scan my clothes then stop back up at the marks, "Again?" he chuckled, "I- Just don't make it obvious, yeah?" Chance turned round to go back put and front and I followed, doing up the top button on my polo.

"I'll just say it's a birth mark if I get asked." I smirk, going to stand behind the desk

"Birth marks ain't that shade of purple alex" chase laughed, sitting on a stool and checking his phone.

"it's fine, no one will question it" i remarked as I turned back to serve a customer.

A few hours into my shift it started to get to the times where it was the quietest and very few people came into the store. I was the only one out front and was going to go get my lunch before a familiar voice came from the entrance. "Hey Alex! I didn't know you were working today!" it was Billie.

"Oh hey, yeah not long left to work though. What are you in for?" I stood up, leaning on the desk.

He smirked, "Well, I've saved up enough for a new guitar. Thought I would come get one!"

"And you didn't spend it all on weed?" I gave him a sarcastic applause, "good job Billie! You deserve a pat on the back" I laughed, getting out the look around with him.

He laughed, when he stopped he looked at my neck and smirked. "Someone got it last night. Guess him singing went down very well?"

"Shut up you. As if you've never seen a hickey before. But yeah, I basically cried last night." I chuckled. "anyway, what guitar were you looking at."

//Sorry Alex's one is shorter she can deal with them better because of all the times she's had them. I love writing mikes though!//

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