Weed and Pizza. 6

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The ride to mike's apartment felt long. I was stuck on thinking about how jack reacted. Was I bad that I wanted to be with mike? I dwelled on my thoughts and worries about this for the whole ride.

Soon we reached the parking for a Small apartment complex, "well. We're here" mike exclaimed, getting off his bike and taking off his helmet.

I stood looking at the complex, "this is the place one of my friends used to live. Don't know how I wouldn't have notice you before" I chuckle.

"Oh yeah? I don't know the people who live in here anyways. I just walk outside and back. No stopping to chat. That shits stupid." He held the door open for me as we headed in and up a set of stairs. Walking through the stairs brought back memories of being high and mucking around in the stairwell.

"Ever remember hearing people fucking about in the stairwell? Like shouting and laughing about random stuff?"

"Yeah, why? Was that you and your friends?"

"Heh, well, we used to always get high in his apartment then hang in the stair well till we got hungry and had to go to the store." I smirk as he turns to face me from the top of the stairs.

"Really? Wait. Do you still smoke it?" he gave a half smile, letting me into his apartment.

"Tobacco yeah but I've not had weed in ages. Why? You smoke too?" I walked into the apartment, looking around curiously. It was a typical single man apartment. Messy with stuff everywhere.

"uh, yeah actually. Normally just in here with billie and we order takeout. Sorry about the mess by the way. Never been the best at cleaning!" He laughs making room for us on the couch.

"That's cool. You done any recently?" I sit down next to Mike on the couch, leaning my head onto his shoulder, his arm wrapped around me.

"No. But, I do have enough for two somewhere. How about I get it out? I wouldn't mind a smoke then takeout pizza?"

I smirk, "sounds good to me. Not been able to smoke anything for a while. It'll be good to do it with you. Better go get your weed then huh?" I giggle, hitting his chest lightly.

"I better yeah, let's hope I have papers." Mike gets up from the couch going through to a different room to get his stuff out. I thought I would check my phone while he was away.

Looking through my notifications I notice two missed calls. It was jack. "Jesus fuck. Urgh, I'll talk to him tomorrow." I decide to turn off my phone so he wouldn't try calling again.

"Found it!" he shouted from the other room, "but, by any chance do you have papers or something? I can't find any!" I go over to my backpack, putting my phone away and searching my bag.

"Your in luck!" I turn around to see mike standing over me, the bag in his hand.

"Awesome!" I throw the packet up to him and go to sit down as he follows me. "So, I'm just gonna half what's here and mix it with tobacco. You cool with that? Its my favourite way to smoke it"

"Yeah, that's fine. I'm pretty sure that's how I used to smoke." I smile, relaxing and letting him roll up the two joints. Mike handed me the joint, sticking it in between my lips. "Well that's not much tobacco" I giggle.

"Well, I didn't say how much I was going to put in" he smirks getting a lighter out and lighting both out joints. "so, you wanna put on a movie?"

"Yeah, sounds good" I smile, taking a shot of my joint. "Fuck that's good weed"

Turning on a movie and turns to me, "yeah? So is it not the same stuff you used to smoke?"

"Nah, it was my friend who grew the stuff we smoked."

"Oh, awesome. Its Billie who knows our dealer. I just give him the money so he can get me weed."
After smoking our joints we ended up lying on the couch together, cuddling each other and just talking about random crap.

Mike looked at me and smirked, "have you ever fucked someone?" His now slightly red eyes tracing up and down my figure.

"Type of question is that?" I laughed. "Your talking to the girl who's already done everything a teenager should. Just with my friends"

"Hot" he smiled cheekily at me and his eyes lingered on me. "Pizza?" With that we ordered pizza to eat.
Soon after eating the pizza and extra food we ordered, we decided to start drinking and get drunk as well as high. I was planning on walking home myself. "So. So. I,I should probably go home" my words were slurred.

"Nahhhhhh. You can stay here." Suddenly mike pinned me against the wall. He growled lightly, his eyes staring me up and down with his stare lingering on my lips.

Author Note

Ahh, I love what I'm writing so far. The first (yea first) sex scene will be the next chapter. Thought I would leave you guys hanging at the end of this part 😏

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