The Phone Call. 10

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- Alex POV -

I sighed putting the phone to my ear, "Hey Jack. What's up?"

"What's up? Is that all your gonna say? Well the bloody hell was that yesterday?! Where were you going with him?" He was almost shouting down the phone.

"What do you mean? What do you want me to say?" I breathed deeply. "Look jack. You need to listen to me..."

"Right then, what is it?" He sighed as he went silent.

"So. Me and Mr Pritchard, or as I call him, Mike. We're basically in a relationship...Through the school year we didn't go out together, only texting. but last night was the first night in a while that we got to see each other out of school and we were at his getting high and then drunk." I stared out at the window.

"What the hell?! Are you kidding me?! Why! Why would you decide to go out with one of your god damn teachers? Urgh, Alex why do you make stupid decisions...what did you do last night. And don't lie to me!" He was angry. Very  angry.

"Well, I guess we were just like casually flirting with each other in school. I mean i was flirting cause that's just me but as it went further we found the feelings for each other." I paused for a second, "Last night...?"

"Don't tell me you fucked him Alex...Alex?" I stayed silent, he already knew the answer. "Oh my god please tell me you used protection..."

"Well...I cant remember but I think he pulled out. I'm on the pill remember though so i should be fine." 

"I swear to god if he hasn't I won't ever forgive you for being so stupid. Why couldn't you have told me? I mean I would probably react the same but i might have been fine with this. I bet he doesn't even love you. I think he's in it for the sex to be honest." Jack then hung up the phone.

At the moment all I knew how to do was cry. One of my best friends just said that. I couldn't believe it. I dropped my head into the worktop, hitting it hard on the way down. Mike must have heard the bang as he rushed through, "Are you okay? What happened?" Mike brought my face up too look at his, how I looked must of answered all his questions, my eyes felt puffy and red as the tears fell and a sharp pain went all along my forehead from the impact. "Lets go through and sit down and you can let it all out, yeah?"

Before I could reply he had already picked me up in his arms, bridal style and took me through to the couch. We sat in silence for a while as I curled up into Mike's chest trying to wrap my head around everything.

"you do love me right...? Your not just in it for like sex or anything?" I look up at him, wiping the few tears from my eyes.

"Of course i love you! Would we be here now if i a didn't? I don't think so anyway."

With that we both sat together most of the day, relaxing and leaving me time to calm down from the chaos of jack.

He's Different Y'know. // Mike Dirnt x OCWhere stories live. Discover now