Nerves. 12

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During my teaching time in school I could only get more and more nervous about tonight and what people would think about me bring Alex who is my girlfriend. Coming back from my thoughts the bell for lunch rings and the class that I was teaching Rush to get their stuff packed away, "Right class! Remember and do the homework sheet I handed out for Friday and be sure to fill in every answer!" watched them all leaving the room a few of them said thank you or good bye to me, I was just happy it was lunch.

Walking into the staff room was a relief as I knew after lunch I could have the rest of the afternoon free to set up the hall. Sitting down with the two teachers I had managed to make friends with who also happened to teach Alex and we're attending tonight. "Hey guys, hows it going?" I bring out my lunch from my bag.

"Hey Mike, excited for tonight? Getting to present your first showcase at the school. I'm surprised they let you" Rian laughed. He was one of the schools English teachers who was into a lot of the same things as me. My other friend? Well he was quieter, Brendon taught in politics class.

"So you guys are gonna come tonight, yeah?" They both nodded in unison while eating. "Awesome thanks guys!"

"Are you bringing your girlfriend or anything since you got permission for a plus one?" Brendon piped up, looking curious.

"oh...uh yeah, my girlfriend is coming" I smiled nervously about their reaction.

Suddenly my phone starts ringing, it's Alex. "let me just take this now guys" answering the phone I stand up walking to lean on the wall.

"Hey babe, did you get an outfit?"

"Yeah, I don't know if it's too casual or not. I'm on lunch break I'll send a picture of what I got but should I get something kinda formal or is it just casual?"

"Something casual would be fine I'm just putting a tie over what I normally wear since I'm presenting. I'd love to see what your gonna wear!" I grinned a little hoping for something similar to what she wore to our first date.

"Okay, thanks, I'll send the picture over in a minute. You really didn't have to make me use your money though!"

I laughed, "really I don't mind, I have to go now but send me those pictures so I can see them"

"Okay I love you!"

"I love you too, see you at 5!" I hung up and sat back down, "look I need to put something past you guys real quick." I breathed deeply a looked at them, "I'm not telling you two why but I'm going to surprise Alex tonight by singing her a song I wrote."

"Alex is your girlfriend? I mean if it sounds like a good idea to you I say do it!" Rian smirked.

"Alex isn't a very popular name here. Sure you don't mean the ex pupil? You taught her did you not?"

I ignored Brendon's comment. They can find out tonight. "I'm gonna do it then. I sneaked her guitar out of my apartment for it. She'll kill me but I really think she's gonna love it."

"You nervous for it?" Brendon said as he stood up ready to head back to his classroom.

"Yeah, definitely. But I know it'll go great!"

Brendon heads back to his classroom leaving just rian and me. "So what was the phone call then? That smile you had on was, suggestive?"

I felt myself blush a little. "oh, it was just my girlfriend asking about what type of outfit she should wear and if the one she bought was good."

"and she's sending a picture of it?"

"Yeah she should be sending it just now." as if my phone heard what I was saying a text came through from Alex with a picture attached. I open and look at it, "damn." I smirk looking at the picture.

"Dude lemme see, this girl better be worth that damn!" rian laughed trying to grab my phone.

"man, it's my girl not yours, gimme my phone!" I tried to pull away my phone but rian was always gonna be stronger than me.

"dude it's not a nude it's okay" as rian looked at the picture he glanced at it then at me and back again. "That's the Alex we used to teach not even 4 months ago, how the hell did that happen man?!"

"if you want me to speak you gotta promise not to tell ANYONE, seriously no one." I sighed heavily, a serious look on my face. I didn't want anyone to know the real truth

"Dude it's safe with me I'm just confused as hell." he placed my phone in front of my screen down as he spoke.

"So, when I first came here she did kinda catch my eye but I thought nothing of it. Well not long after I could tell she had the same feelings because of her actions and stuff. So a bit of months after that we got a bit closer and basically have been going out for year..." the further into the sentence the quicker I spoke trying to get it over with. "Fuck I just said that." my head hit the table as regret fell through my body.

"Really damn dude. How she was 18? Well yeah she was I remember now. I don't even care you do you I guess." rian watched me as we both sat in silence.

After a few minutes rian broke the silence, "I need to go back to my classroom but for all anyone else cares you've only been seeing her for a few months" As rian got up and walked past me he pat my back to try cheer me up.

Soon after he left I decided to go and get the hall setup and forget what happened.

He's Different Y'know. // Mike Dirnt x OCWhere stories live. Discover now