15. She's Cocky.

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The walk to the classroom was long, or it felt that way anyway. Walking into the room I squeeze Alex's hand to help reassure her that I was there.

As we turned to face Mr Wright he stood there silently for a moment just looking at us, hand in hand. He soon broke the silence, "So, Alex, I'm sure you very much enjoy being in this relationship but would you care to explain how this came about? Considering he was your teacher only 5 months ago."

Alex let go of my hand, taking a step forward. Here's comes her natural strength and confidence she likes to claim she doesn't have.

"Okay sir. I will, happily." she turned to face me a gave a small wink as she smirked. "So one of my friends who doesn't attend this school knew of Mike through one of his friends who they were previously in a relationship with. I got to know this friend, Billie, almost 2 or 3 years ago and did vaguely meet Mike when I would see Billie." she watched him acknowledge her statements.

"And when you were friendly with Mr Pritchard through his friend were you ever interested in him or engaged in a relationship during that time or his time at this school last year?" he was completely falling for Alex's lie. I guess that's one of her strengths. Acting.

" No sir, I was interested in him as we were friends all these years but it wasn't until I left school that both of our true feelings and intentions were revealed. We only started our relationship as a couple in mid July which is a good month after I had left school. So I think you'll find that this relationship is completely legal and in now way are you aloud to fire Mike. Thank you for you time" I could tell she had flashed him that smug yet sex smile as his face was one of shock and confusion as Alex walked out of the room. "Babe don't wait up please, I'll be waiting at your bike"

All I could do was stare at both Mr Wright and the door, "Y-yeah, I won't be long, 10 minutes max" my mouth must have been hanging open slightly due to shock of what just happened. I underestimated how cocky she could get.

Mr Wright chuckled slightly noticing my shock. "I guess you haven't seen her like that before? You'd be surprised that amount of times I've had that after I've got her into my office." He smiled, "I expected nothing less from Alex." there was a slight pause.

"It's certainly new to me that she could act like that. Normally she a bit more...timid to lack a better word?" composing myself I begin to start pack up Alex's guitar and my bag to leave.

"I know what you mean, she's certainly unique. I'll tell you that for free. Anyway, I must get going my wife will be wondering where I've gone off to. See you next week Mike." He started off towards the door.

"Yes, I'll see you next week. Bye." I gave him a smile as I finished packing my stuff, putting on a hoodie to keep me warm.

Heading out I see Alex leaning against my bike, "What the fuck was that with Mr Wright? Jesus. I didn't know you could be like that."

She giggled. "Sorry it's just natural reaction when I'm around Mr Wright, I just get cocky I guess. Helps get my point across with him and I guess he believed my story." she smirked, taking a helmet and putting it on.

"Well yeah, he believed you but jesus christ and I thought I was the dominant one in this relationship!" I got onto my bike, Alex got in behind me as I started it up.

I could feel her smirking at me, "Well maybe I should do it more often so you can punish me... Sir." her hands slowly moved on my chest, down to almost my crotch then back up. She's such a tease.

"Well just you wait till we get home" I growled as I leaned forward driving out of the school and onto empty roads.

But little do they know drama is about to start back up with Jack! Ill spoiler there but I'm so excited for the next few parts tbh.

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