It Is Over

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"We said it was over;
A mutual agreement
Only partially reached.
I hope you never regret
Reaching toward me
And saying your goodbye
Because in my sadden state
I could only cry.

I replay you in my mind:
You asked me what we were going to do?
As if I had a choice,
In what happened to us.
As if could rewrite the stars.
Because if I were to go to the celestial sky,
I would find nothing permanent written about
You & I.
And that is because you already knew,
What you were going to do.
And so I decide on what to do:
If you got our last choice,
I get our last words.

You may still have had something more to say
But words do not wipe away my tears
Words do not hold my body
Like I longed for you to hug me.

~A poem I wrote with my best friend.

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