mamoru miyano x reader part 2

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Next day

Your pov
I got up and start to get ready for school I took a quick shower, put on my uniform and eat breakfast and got out and walk to school.

I got to school and I went to the office to check the information  about the school and did some paperwork of my information and then I got assign to class c-2 I was walking to the class then the teacher saw me and told me to wait outside until the bell rang so I wait. Then I saw a guy he looks handsome his long/ medium hair, brown his brown eyes and he looks like the guy that is popular in school.

Then I saw some girls that are fangirling and he ignored them. He was passing next to me he saw me and then he passed and got in to his class he is in class -A.

Then the bell rang and the teacher was getting the students to be seated.

Teacher-" ok class please take your seats, there is a new student and I want you to meet her ok".

I was nervous and I got in the class.

Teacher-" please introduced yourself ".
Y/n-" h-hello my name is l/n y/n nice to meet you everyone". ( you bowed )

Teacher-" ok miss l/n you can sit next to shimazaki nobunaga ". ( he is the voice actor of nanase Haruka anime free)

You got to the seat and then nobunaga was looking at you.

Nobunaga-" hello l/n-chan my name is  shimazaki nobunaga but you can call me Nobu ok".
Y/n-" ok nobu-kun, you can call me y/n ok".

Time skip lunch time
Nobu- "hey y/n want have lunch with me and my friends in the roof?".
Y/n-" sure ok".
You got to the roof and you saw a couple of people that they look the popular people in school but they look like good people.
Nobu-" hello guys I want you to meet my new friend she came from america".
Soske- " hello my name is tsukino soske". ( yes the last name of him is from sailor moon ^-^).
Haruka -" hey my name is tsukino haruka I'm his twin sister I hope we can be good friends ".
Mamoru-" hello my name is miyano mamoru nice to meet you".
Y/n-" h- hello my name is l/n y/n nice to meet you all I hope we can be friends".

Mamoru pov
I got out of my house and got to school I had a feeling that today is going to be a good day. I was walking to class and I saw a new student she look like she is from another country then I got to my class.

Time skip lunch time
I was waiting for nobu-san I was getting annoy by Haruka I know her and her twin brother since we were in middle school. Then I saw nobu-san with the girl I saw this morning.

Nobu-" hello guys I want you to meet my new friend she came from america".
Everyone introduced themselves and now is my turn.
Mamoru-" hello my name is miyano mamoru nice to meet you".
Y/n-" h- hello my name is l/n y/n nice to meet you all I hope we can be friends".
She looks like a nice girl but I noticed that she has scars on her arms but I'm not going to ask her about that today they look like old scars. I hope we can be good friends.

Your pov
I meet him his name is mamoru miyano he looks like a good person.

Nobu-" ne ne y/n-chan wanna come with us after school to song karaoke?".
Y/n-" um sure I guess.."
Haruka-"yay y/n-chan now we can know better. Question in what class room you are at?".
Nobu-" she is in my class we take the same classes together right y/n-chan?".
Y/n-" oh u-um...... yeah".
Soske-" now y/n-san you don't have to be shy, tell about yourself".
Y/n-"um ok...".
You told them everything about what you like and why you came to Japan to study.
Haruka-" oh my y/n-chan I can't belive people did that to you, don't worry if anyone is bully you I will help you and protect you ok".
Y/n-" Haruka-san.... ( you start to cry) thanks I really appreciate".

Time skip karaoke
You went to karaoke with your new friends and you have a lot of fun. Soske sang fighting dreamer from naruto, Haruka sang let it go by frozen, nobunaga sang splash free from the anime free and next is mamoru and he is going to sing opherus by the Anime Uta no prince sama.

Your pov
I heard mamoru sing and I got shock how he sang I start to have feelings for him but I can't we have just met. Then he finish the song and now is my turn. I choose the song history maker from the anime yuri on ice.

Mamoru pov
I finish singing now is y/n turn she choose history maker. When she start to sing I got chills on my spine how beautiful she sings I started to have feelings of her but I think is too soon I just meet her but we can start first been friends. Then we finish and y/n and me we where going to the same direction and I saw her going to the Uzumaki's house.
Mamoru-" y/n-san are you staying at the Uzumaki's place?"
Y/n-" yeah this is my home for the next 2 years, why?"
Mamoru-" oh is nothing is you want we can walk together so school tomorrow if you want".
Y/n-" um sure we can thanks I'll see you tomorrow then have a good night ".
Mamoru-" ok have a good night bye".

You went to separate ways.


Chapter 2 done I hope you enjoy it see you on the next chapter bye bye ^-^

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