chapter 1: Hi, death.

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You moved away from people walking by you in the city. You wanted to be alone like always.

Shoving, pushing, talking. It was normal. You lived here and there, wherever you could really.

Different sounds, smells. You knew them all. You just walked. Didn't stop to eat, nor listen. Just walked.

You weren't tired. You couldn't feel tired. Only 'it'. Darkness of your heart, it pained you to think about it.

You never yelled when you were shoved by people walking and pushing to get somewhere.

You turned down an alley just to get away from the already crowded Street.

You ended up in the woods. You didn't even know that until you looked out of space.

Mt.Ebott. you've considered jumping before. No one would miss you.

You didn't want to deal with the pain anymore. So you climbed.

Staring down the seemingly endless hole you smiled. Slowly hovering your foot above it.

You started to let go. The slight sounding of rocks crumbling under your fingers.

And then your hand was free. You were falling. Finally. It was ending.

Your body ached. It hurt to move. You yelled when moving just a bit. Breathing felt like having knives stabbed into your lungs.

Ribs were broken definitely.
Why were you not dead. You fell for a reason.

"Golly, you must have fallen pretty hard! I herd you from. Under the dirt!"

You look at the thing. A flower.

You looked at him. "...what..?"

"'m....still alive ...?" You said quietly

"You sure are! Welcome to the underground." The flower smiled. looked...too friendly​...

"I'm Flowey! I guess I should teach you how things work around here!" You couldn't tell if it was an offer or not.

"N-no....j-just....go....go away..."
The flowers grin dropped.

They let out a low chuckle.
"You i d i o t." They said, making their posture a bit better.
Little "pellets" formed around them.

They seemed to get closer to you, but they stopped..?
"Y'know what? I think I'll save these for later...."

And with that the flower left, leaving you confused, and scared...

You layed there for a while before attempting to get up

You slowly stood up, trying to forget the pain of the now probably broken ribs.

You walked a few steps forward, but fell the the ground not long after

You yelled in pain as your ribs slammed on to the ground

"Help..." you mumbled while your eyes started closing.

You were woken up by a thud. You shot up, and didn't feel any pain...

The slight creaking of a door made you jump.
"Hello my child, are you feeling any better?" A goat like creature stuck their head In the door.

"Define better."
"Does it still hurt? Your ribs?"

You really didn't want to talk anymore.

"I- I need to ask you something."
She walked over to you, shutting the door as well.

"How come... when I fell, I didn't.. you know. Die? That why I jumped in the first place."

She seemed stunned.
"My child, do not ever say that. You are perfect."

"No I'm not. If I was perfect, I'd have a family. I had a sister, brave that's for sure. She... disappeared... and never came back." You felt like crying but never wanted to show too much weakness.

The goat lady pulled you into a hug. "I am Toriel. Do not be Afraid... your safe here."

Days had passed. 'mom' tended to go down somewhere and talk to someone. You never asked , not wanting to get caught ease dropping.

You had only listened once, and almost fell asleep, but didn't.

Mom talked about letting you leave sometimes, she thought you weren't happy here. then again you did mention it time and time.

"Mom, when can I go out? To just explore?"

You herd rustling and then saw her rush past you and to the door.

You trailed after her confused. "Mom, what's wrong?"

"You may go child, but promise me you will not get hurt. I can't lose another."

You nodded and hugged her.

She left quickly after.

This was it, you were on your way out.

You were hit with an instant blast of freezing air. You didn't expect it whatsoever.

The door slammed shut behind you, causing a loud, prolonged echo to move through the quiet woods.

Your fingers were numb by now. You needed shelter, otherwise you'd freeze to death.

You walked as fast as tour shivering legs could take you.

There was a... gate? You stopped to examine it just to see if it had anything of use. It didn't.

"Shoot." You mumbled while looking down at your now blue hands

"Well if I freeze at least I know I fell for a reason."

You slowly took a step forward, but stopped. You herd the snow crunching behind you.

Don't you know how to greet a new


You froze up. Your body refused to move. You turned around to see him. A skeleton, a bit taller than you

He stuck his hand out and you hesitantly took it.


You looked him in the eyes- well eye sockets. He was holding back a laugh. You wanted to laugh, but didn't know how to.

"I'm sans by the way."


"Ya seem cold kiddo. Wanna borrow my jacket until we can find ya a new one?"

You slowly nodded, questioning if you should or shouldn't.

"Wont you get cold?"

"Nah it just goes right through me"

He handed you his jacket and you wrapped it around you. It was warm.


He shrugged and smiled.

"So kiddo, how'd you fall?"
"...I don't wanna talk about it."

He looked down at you but shook it off. Finally you were able to walk past the stupid gate. And now, greeted with something else.

Another skeleton.
A TALLER skeleton.

Oh boy. Another thing to add in this band of misfits.

"Wonder what Bonnie would have done if she was me." You mumbled under your breath so no one could hear you.

This Flowers Already Dead. (Sans X Depressed! reader)Where stories live. Discover now