chapter 15: waiting in the dark

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Sans froze for a moment
"Look, I've told you you don't need to know."

"I do though!" You said back almost instantly.
He sighed.
"He's...just an old scientist. He died though. That's all that you need to know"

Sans was keeping some details out, but you didn't want to make an argument over it.

You stayed quiet for a moment.
"I'm gonna go for a walk."
You said before standing up, grabbing a jacket, and walking out of the door.

You​ didn't go to waterfall, you went back the way you originally came from.

It was cold, but it wasn't snowing at the moment thankfully.
You once again looked at your soul.

It was darker.

You shivered. With a sigh you out it away and continued on.
You sat down on a half snow covered, half clear Rock.

You looked around, no monsters anywhere.
In the distance, you swore you saw a figure, but when you blinked, it wasn't there.

"Maybe it's just my imagination.." you said to Yourself quietly.
Looking back at the ground, you saw how soaked your already worn out shoes were

You sighed and stood up, you'd been gone not even ten minutes, but it was unusually colder than normal, despite the clear "sky".

You started to walk back to the house.
You couldn't help but feel as if something was watching you, but you tried to ignore it to the best of your ability.

It took a bit, but you finally made it home.
Sans wasn't downstairs anymore.
You sat down on the couch and looked at Nothing

You considered going to find him, but he was probably in his room.

The lights were off, leaving a faint glare from the iced over windows.

You looked at one, the outline of a body seemed to be looking in, or at you.

Your first reaction was to scream, but you refused to do that.
You stood up and slowly walked to the door.

With a deep breath, you opened the door, ready for anything.
You looked at the place where the shadow was, but there was nothing there.

In fact... There were no footprints in the snow.

You felt your blood run cold.

You stood there for a moment.
It was too tall to be a regular flying monster.
And it definitely wasn't anyone else.

You backed up slowly before bumping into something.
You Instantly turned around and looked.


Adriniline kicked in at that moment, you sprinted up the stairs and tried to get to sans' room.

Your feet seemed to trip over nothing, but you slammed onto the floor with a loud thud.

You held in your yelp of pain and tried standing up.
Something held you down.

You looked up and tried to see what it was.
Though you planned to see nothing Instantly...

He stood there

That same smile plastered onto his face
His eyes stared at you, but through you at the same time.

His head head tilted to the side once he saw that he'd caught your attention.

Slowly he seemed to inch closer to you.
"S-SANS-" you tried to yell, but something covered your mouth.

They made it to you without anything happening.
You felt your body shake as they looked down at you.

They said nothing.
They just watched as you attempted to break free from whatever grasp held you, only to see you fail each time.

A pain suddenly shot through you.
It felt as if your heart had been ripped out of your body.

You looked up to see that he held your soul in his "hands".
It seemed to grow dimmer once he had it in his grasp.

Your hp dropped slightly.
You couldn't do anything to prevent this.

No one seemed to even be home.
You continued to struggle, fearing what would happen if he killed you.

Within a few seconds, you seemed to be free
He wasn't even there.

Your soul floated in from you.
You quickly obsorbed it and stood up.
You banged on sans' door just to see if he was there, but no response.

You turned around and started to run out of the house.
You went to grillbys, hoping at least someone you knew would be there.

You opened the doors to it, looking around as soon as you could see clearly in it.

The dogs, the normal drunks, and thankfully sans.
You sped walked to him.

He didn't see you at first

"S-sans um, I need to talk to you."

He turned to look at you.
"Oh, what about?"
You hesitated for a moment.

"He...he was there."

Sans stood up and grabbed your hand, he began to walk out and you trailed behind him without hesitation.

Once you were away from most monsters, he looked around, making sure no one was there.

"What'd he do." He asked It in a Stern voice, though it was still a question.

You showed him your soul, fearing what he'd actually done.
He looked at it for a moment, his eyes went black.


This Flowers Already Dead. (Sans X Depressed! reader)Where stories live. Discover now