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That one word was the conclusion to your story.
Death had come to your unfortunate soul and it took your life from you.
Your death had a huge impact on the monster race.
They were now without a true ambassador.
They'd been afraid to leave the underground, in fear of the humans resuming the war. Everyone had their part in this new world, weither it was minor or major.


They took your spot, they led monsters from the underground and kept the peace between the races. Monsters looked up to them whenever they needed guidance, and frisk provided what ever they could.


Toriel made the first school for both races, and not only that, but she became a teacher in the same school. She handled politics with Asgore for frisk, since a little kid such as them wouldn't be able to handle those. She volunteered at several orphanages and helped raise children and all of this was before the first two years had even finished.


She'd began working with the best scientists in Ebott. Together, they'd managed to figure out more about souls, and the limitations of both. Alphys even managed to get married In that time.


She became a physical trainer for both races, she was well known for her power in that department. She married alphys and they Finally found their places.


He managed to fix things with Toriel, though they never got back together. He helped with politics and began working on a new project- 'The Treaty of War.'
It was a final truce that would end the war forever if signed by both sides, and eventually, it had been signed and the war was over.


He became a three and a half star chef, now owning his own small restaurant which was mainly known for the different types of noodles you could get for simply being his friend, so he became more popular. His cooking methods were similar to the underground still, yet no one minded.


Your death took a toll on him he distanced himself for a while, he wouldn't talk to anyone, and even a mention of your name would set him off. But slowly, he got over it, though he'd occasionally get worse. After he was able to cope with your death slightly, he helped with whatever he could, sometimes he'd help Undyne, Alphys, Papyrus, Frisk, Toriel, Asgore even. Though, even though he knew you were gone, he didn't stop attempting to get you back.


You'd been gone in a void of darkness since your death. The hatred consumed you, and slowly, it killed you, for hatred was something that was stronger than it seemed.
You died in sans' arms, and once your eyes had opened again, you saw nothing but darkness.
You were alone in a void, a void that would soon die with you in it. You'd be forgotten sooner or later.
It had been almost three years since your death, yet it felt like just yesterday you were alive.
But you were dead, and you could not reverse that.


"Finally I've found you." A voice rang through the void, it was light yet hollow, no emotions behind it.
A figure walked from the darkness, a purple hue around it.
They'd been gone since your death, no signs of them when you'd actually needed them.
Their steps were slow while approaching you, they were cautious, not knowing what rage could even be left in you after your death.
"Hello {Y/N}, it has been a while hasn't it?" You looked up, your  eyes were a deadly black and your back hunched over in a way that seemed impossible, but you managed.
"I've got something to show you."
Perseverance opened her hand, a shard of a (F/C) soul floated gently, as if it was undisturbed to begin with.
"I found this after your death, it wasn't this color, and I knew it was consumed by the same hatred that had killed you and Chara both, but I worked with it, I attempted to get rid of the substance on it. I don't know much about the different souls, but I knew just enough to fix this small piece." A smile formed on their face.
"This would be enough to give you a form my friend. You can return home Finally"
They handed you the shard of the broken soul, and you held it on your own hand and looked to it with wide eyes.
"You can join them once more."
And perseverance left as soon as they arrived, leaving you staring at the soul.

You didn't move at first, just the energy that the shard gave off was enough to take you aback, this was a shard of your soul, and the power it had still, was suprising.
It could really go back to normal if you absorbed it.
But then you thought, going back could still hurt everyone.
They'd made their lives better off your being gone, right?
Everyone had their own plans, and they all had new wants, new needs.
If you went back now, Everything would change, and they'd have to adapt to your return.
Though being gone still hurt then just as much.
You sat there, contemplating your options.
Go back- change everything
Stay- nothing will change.
You hated being alone, you despised being alone like this.
The fear of being alone forever pushed your choice.

You stared into the shard, the power growing stronger as you slowly put it to your chest.
A feeling of weightlessness overcame you as your body absorbed the soul, your skin gained its color, and a light beamed from your chest.


Your vision was blinded by lights.

You could move freely, you could feel your surroundings once more.

As your eyes opened, you saw the sky.

The sun was setting

You sat up quickly, looking around, colors filled your eyes, and it felt so amazing to feel the sun after such a long time.

You were back

Everything was changing for you.

You were on top of Mt.Ebott, not where you climbed up oh so long ago, but an exit, there was a small patch of flowers, not  buttercups, but flowers.
You looked at the city in the distance, the sun was shining through the taller buildings, and
To your eyes.
You hears movement behind you, but the wildlife was the least of your worries, that's until you heard a voice you'd heard so many times before break the silence that you'd kept.


This Flowers Already Dead. (Sans X Depressed! reader)Where stories live. Discover now