chaoter 23: Demon talk.

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Sans looked at you, shocked almost.
"What? Really?"He said suddenly, his pupils turning  slightly smaller than usual.
"Yeah," you responded with a slight laugh. You didn't really know what to say in this except what was already said.

"Let's just get inside, and then we can talk. you nodded and walked Inside, as you sat on the couch with sans, you explained Everything, how you went looking for him, the vision, meeting Asgore, and what he had told you. Sans was at a loss of words, but you knew he was thinking of something.

"We have an advantage point now, don't we?" He said while looking to you. You nodded slightly, and then looked to the floor. "Yeah, we do."

You opened your eyes and found yourself in the void. Or "dreamspace" as you called it.
You looked around calmly, you knew this place now, it didn't startle you when you showed up.
"Howdy (Y/N)," chara's voice rang from what seemed like all angles.

"Hows it been?" She popped in front of you, scaring you at first, but then you took a breath and smiled. "Hi Chara." You responded calmly, like you were talking to a friend. She looked at you suprised. "Wow, you're not screaming in fear this time?"
She said with a smirk.
"Apparently not, oh! I almost forgot! How come you never told me that you had a family in the underground? Asgore was your father correct?" You said raising an eyebrow and smirking right back.

She jolted backwards once you said that. "Oh so it it's true?"
She looked away from you.
"What about your brother Asriel?" She froze completely at that name. "don't bring him up." She said coldly to you, still not looking your way.

"Im just curious- how can someone like you- have such intentions to save monsters? I mean, you were willing to sacrifice yourself for their freedom." You walked closer to her, but she only backed away more.

"Shut up." She mumbled, turning to look at you slightly.
"And you were trying so hard to help monsters-" you stopped. "But you failed." You waited for a response from Chara. "" She stalled for a moment "... You don't understand anything."

Chara looked at you, here eyes were black, and she had some sort of liquid dripping from them. "YoU DoNT UnDERsTAND ANyTHING!" Her yell was distorted, and Honestly sounded like something you'd see in a horror movie.

She flung herself twords you and right before she managed to grab you, you woke up. You shot up when you did, and though it definitely scared you, you stayed mostly calm.
You sighed and sat up in the bed. It was around 9:00, so no one else was home.

You stood up and walked to the door, you took in a breath and opened it. The house was dark.  The windows had had ice frozen over them, so you couldn't really see outside. You walked down the stairs and sat on the couch, putting your hand on your forehead and sighed.
You slept 'well' considering the insomina, but it felt no different either way.

"Chara," you laughed to yourself "you really are one 'character' huh?" You thought for a moment, "why'd you change so much from what I've heard you were?" There was no response, as expected.

You sighed once more, the information crosses over with the fear, and both together causes more and more confusion.
You sighed, you were overthinking it again.

Suddenly, as if coordinated though, that same voice rung in your head. "What did you accomplish with annoying me?" You laughed at the voice for a moment.
"You answered my question." You paused "and its good information."

Chara laughed, "each time I answer one question, you think of two more." She wat nipping at your mind, wanting you to get confused.
"That's true, but most only have a theoritical meaning, nothing important in the long run." You closed your eyes.

you took in a breath, god how you wished you could walk outside and feel the sun in your face again, just to sit under a shade tree with actual grass, and not rocks and moss surrounding you.

"But just go away." Thoughts of the surface crowded your mind. You came down to die, and you didn't, now the thoughts of the surface blocked the world you lived in. "I can get you to the surface."

Chara's voice broke through your thoughts. "You could hear that?"
"Yes. It seems as if you have gotten bored of the underground?" She giggled quietly.
"No. I just miss the sun is all."

You stood without another word and went to the door, as you put your jacket on, you heard something fall from upstairs.
"..?" You turned to face the now open door to papyrus's room.

You slowly made your way to the stairs and as quietly as possible, you walked up them, trying to figure out what was in the house.
As you looked in the room, you saw what you assumed to be a monster, but as you looked closer, you noticed it's features.

One word popped into your mind.

A -human.-

This Flowers Already Dead. (Sans X Depressed! reader)Where stories live. Discover now