chapter 13: a shadow.

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It had been months.

Everything was going smooth.
Nothing had changed really.
You made friends with Undyne Thanks to Papyrus.

After that you met Mettaton and Alphys.
But you didn't want to proceed.
Asgore... You didn't want to ever have to meet him, but you knew you'd have to sooner or later.

With a sigh you sat your cup down and looked at a paper.
You shifted slightly, trying to better you position.

Your eyes scanned the paper for what seemed like the hundredth time.
On it it stated:

"I'll be back. Don't worry. Papyrus should be done with training soon and Undyne should probably come over and hang out with you again. Just stay calm kiddo. Nothing "bad" has happened, so just relax. If I'm not back by tomorrow... Get outta snowdin."

You didn't understand.
Sans did didn't​ even tell you what was happening, or why he was leaving.

You looked away from the paper and up the stairs.
The house was dark.
Power​ had gone out a while ago, but you had to wait for someone to help you get it on again.

You looked at the railing of the stairs, but something else seemed to catch your eyes.

There was a dark spot right in the middle of the wall.
And it wasn't a normal shape or darkness...

It was dark.... Yet  d a r k e r.
Its shape resembled one of a body.

And it wasn't small.
It was at least the height of Papyrus, if not taller.

But before you could focus on it too well, it vanished.
A confused look crossed your face, but you looked away, trying to ignore that it at one point had been there.

Two days.

Still Nothing from sans.
You seemed to be the only one who really worried.
Though you did lie to Everyone who asked​.

Sure he told you to leave snowdin... But you couldn't.
You wouldn't let yourself leave.
Not until he was back.

You had already tried finding him, but you had no idea on where he went.

You tapped your foot on the ground Repeatedly, trying to think on how to find him, but you failed to do so.

" H e l l o."

You snapped up and turned around, but nothing was there.
You turned back around and almost junmped out of your skin once you saw what was waiting​ for you.

It was a creature made out if what seemed like goo, a white face, and a smile that an insane person would have

"Y o u  s h o u l d   h a v e  l e f t."
It's voice was broken, almost a whisper, but loud enough to be  intemidating.

You tried to react, but the darkness seemed to consume you.

It wasn't long before you couldn't move at all.

Your eyes opened​ slowly.
It was cold, though most of your senses were numb.

You sat up, but a headache kept you from moving.
You tried looking around in order to find where you were.

You had no clue.
You were surrounded by trees and snow.
You didn't even see a monster around...

You crawled to a tree and slowly put your back on it.
You closed your eyes again And tried to think.

Your headache settled and you could at least stand.
Slowly, you lifted your body off of the ground.

You trembled due to the numbing snow falling around you.
You drug your feet through the piled up snow, trying to go anywhere.

Your body shook as you moved.
Everything was fuzzy, and it only got worse as your breathing slowed.

Everything you did hurt.
Each breath you took felt like your soul was being ripped from your body.

You couldn't make it far before you fell again.
You knocked the breath out of yourself once you hit the floor.

You yelled out before fading into the darkness.

Yet darker...

It's all you knew.
It pulled you in and asked for you to give up.

... you're weak....
WEAK... Y o u   c a n t   f I g h t
T h I s   d a r k n e s s.

Your eyes opened once more.
But you were greeted by your room.
Sans was there.
You had his jacket on to add to it.

Your body was close to his and he held you close.
Though you thought you were warm, you still shivered.
You didn't know why...

He wasn't asleep.
He looked down at you slightly.
Somehow he must've seen you awake.

"Hey, you okay?" He said while looking a you with a slightly concerned expression.

"I-i-i Don't k-know." Your voice shook, it was then that you saw how cold you really must've been.

"Why were you in the woods? Especially there?"

"C-cant r-r-remember."

He sighed and managed to make his grip tighter on you.
"I told you to leave."

"I-i c-couldn't."
He seemed surprised.
Maybe he expected you to say something else...


"S-s-sans... Who was t-that person..?"

This Flowers Already Dead. (Sans X Depressed! reader)Where stories live. Discover now