chapter 22: The King.

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It's been a few weeks maybe, Chara hadn't shown up, and nor anyone else.
For a time you thought Everything had gone back to normal, but it hadn't.
You hadn't gotten but 4 hours of sleep in the past three days from insomina, and you felt weak overall. Though you'd take breaks and try to maintain what little energy you had.

You and alphys had started talking about possible causes for whatever kept you from actual rest, but you both came up empty. Apparently she didn't have anything she could give you even if she did know.

"Hey." You heard sans say before sitting beside you on the couch.
He looked at you for a moment before looking to some papers in his hands.
"So I found these. I was in judgeme-.. uh, at work and I saw a box, it was old, but papers were inside of it."

You looked over at him, curious at to what it was.
"So, from what I've read,  it seems it was just talking back and forth, but its like child talk, the handwriting and the topics. I don't know exactly who it was yet, I've only read a few papers."

You gave a half smile, but still raised an eyebrow. "So you're reading kids old writings?" Sans shot you a glare right afterwards, though you know he was just Messing with you

"Hey, don't judge me. it's actually really weird though.. I dont know anyone that would be up that way except for the gaurds and the king, so I don't know who wrote these."

You gave a small 'hm' and then looked to a paper, "hey actually, let me see this one" you grabbed it and took it out of his hands, almost immediately reading it

"Hey azzy, do you think mom and dad are still mad about the whole writing on the wall thing? I mean, it was stupid I know, but they've rarely ever gotten that mad, I know it's perminant marker, but we both spent so much time on it. I thought they'd like it, just like you."

You re read it, not really understanding it too well. "Um.. do you know anyone named azzy? In this it says-" before you even finished the setence sans had snatched the paper from your hands, and read it himself.

"Wait... This is the.. no.. no, its not. Is it?" He was stumbling on his own words.
"Who is it?"
Sans looked at where the name was stated once more.
"The prince. He died though, as well as his sister, I don't remember the name of the human child though.. why can't I remember that..?"

You looked more Confused then he was
"They adopted a human? I though they needed their souls..?"

Sans sighed, dropping the papers on the couch, "it's a long story. Just.. to shorten it a little asriel, the prince, had a human sibling, for whatever reason I can't think of their name. They had a plan to become one and go to the surface and take six souls, but it failed and they both died."

You listened to every word, though it was a short explanation, and you had questions, the only thing you said was.

"Would the king remember?"

Sans left a while ago, and he hadn't come back yet, surely if all he had to do was ask a question he would have been back.
You knew you couldn't go to the castle, but it was your only option.

So as you gathered a few things, you started walking, first through Snowdin, then waterfall, and then hotland.
There was a place between the castle, and the elevators.

It was fimiliar, you knew it somehow. Pillars of what you considered gold went from the floor to the ceiling. It was orange and yellow, and the light shining through the tinted glass gave it the orange tint.

Once you started walking, you could clearly hear your own footsteps. It was dead quiet here.
Then you heard a scream.
Your scream.

You turned around to see the image of the dream you had had weeks prior. You watched yourself die right after.

You stared fir a few moments before you turned and ran through the opening in the other side of the hall.
Once you finally got out of there, you were greeted by another hallway, but this led to a house
It was grey, and the outside looked like Toriel's house.

As you walked to the door, you saw it was unlocked. You opened it and looked around. The basement stairs were unlocked, so you walked down them, it reminded you of when you and Toriel had said goodbye.

As you Contiuned on, after a while,  you found yourself in what seemed like a throne room.
One sat in the middle of a bundle of buttercups, another sat covered in a corner.
You cleared your throat and called for sans, but you got no response.

Once more you called him, and still nothing from sans, but once you heard footsteps behind you, you going your body around and saw Asgore.

"Oh. A human?" He looked at you quietly for a half of a second "howdy, I am Asgore. Judging by you expression... I think you already knew that.."

You couldn't think of anything to say, so you kept quiet, just nodding when he said that.
He sighed, "before we battle.." he smiled slightly "would you like a cup of tea by any chance?"

"I-i uh.. I don't have time for tea, b-but I need to ask you something." He didn't say anything as a response, but you knew he was listening.
"Can I ask you about your children..?"

His pupils dilated when you said that, his expression was a shocked one. "I know it's out of the blue but my friend sans and myself-" he stopped you.
"They both have died. Their names were Asriel and Chara."

The mention of chara's name made you freeze. As he continued on, you completely zoned out. And once he finished his story, he looked at you.
"If, by any chance, you wish to go back, you may, I will not stop you, child.  But if you do not wish to go back, I shall be in the next room."
And with that he walked past you and into the next room

You turned to look at him before Walking out of the castle and making your way all the way back to Snowdin. It took you a while, but once you arrived, you could see both sans and papyrus outside looking in opposite directions, probably looking for you.

Papyrus saw you, and even through the snow, you could hear his gasp. He came sprinting twords you and picked you up by your arms.

"Heh, sorry papyrus, I didn't mean to scare you two."
Sans walked up and papyrus out you down.
Sans sighed, "you saw the king didn't you?" Sans asked you.

"Yeah, I did." You said quietly.
Sans sighed. "Now he knows you're here. That's great." He said sarcastically.
"What's wrong with him knowing of my presence?"

"He does not know your intentions. We won't have as many chances anymore. If we need research, or anything at all, well have to be weary. Yeah, sure he's nice and all, but he'll only give you so much time here. You know this."

You nodded, "well hey uh.. I have some information." He raised an 'eyebrow'.
"His other kid was Chara."

This Flowers Already Dead. (Sans X Depressed! reader)Where stories live. Discover now