chapter 29: The End of it All (part one)

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Time had gone by quickly, as it seemed, you had already made it to the Capitol of monsters. You knew this was your chance to get everything done and over with, but every action had it's equal opposite reaction. You were trying to give your soul to Asgore to free all monsters, yet Chara had held you back for months on end, and someone else didn't want you to  attempt to give your soul away. Though, dying would be easy, since in all truth, living was harder.
"[Y/N] dear, what are you doing in the Capitol? Alphys sent me to check on you- but why here of all places?" You groaned quietly, mettaton, the only monster you'd wanted to stay underground.

"I'm busy mettaton." You heard the metallic sound of mettaton walking twords you, and he was pretty fast for just a few bolts and metal scraps. "Nonsense darling, no human should have any business up here so quickly, you've only been here for what- seven months?" You turned your head slightly so to face him, "yeah, and it's finally time to start doing something instead of cowering behind everyone." You looked forwards again. "You'll all be free soon." As soon as mettaton got what you were saying, he Instantly gasped. "You're going to free us?" He seemed to stall for a moment, "but what about you?" You started walking, yet mettaton followed. "what about me? I'm freeing monsters Finally. That's what you all deserve correct?"  Mettaton stepped in front of you, "well yes, but to break the barrier, you'd have to give your soul to Asgore- you'd have to die."

You nodded, "I know. I'm willing to die if it means you'll all see the surface finally." Mettaton grabbed your shoulders, "[Y/N], say goodbye to everyone at least. I know you haven't yet done it." You grumbled and pulled away from his grasp. "No. They'll try to stop me again." You pushed past mettaton and went closer to the yellow corridor, leaving mettaton behind knowing he no longer could do anything else to change your mind. You stepped into the ling corridor, judgement hall as you'd learned. It looked empty like always, but as you walked through it, sans had walked out from behind a pillar. His eyes were black and showed no pupils. "sorry (Y/N) but I can't just let you die, there are other ways to free monsters that won't lead to your own death." You blankly stared at him for a moment, "and one of those other options would be to what?" You had a sarcastic tone in your voice. "Take Asgore's soul instead." He responded simply, ad if he had already planned thus whole thing out. "No. No way. I'm not killing Asgore." You attempted to walk past sans, you'd already talked to him enough today, but he had grabbed you in his blue magic before you made it two steps past him.

"Look, I'm not joking. I'm not letting you die." Sans pulled you back so you'd be facing him. "I don't know what happened with you, but I don't care. We don't have to be together for me to still care for you." His magic faded and he sighed. "Just- this isn't the only way to break the barrier."
You laughed slightly, "well it's the only way I know will work," you moved quickly and without hesitation, you'd whacked him in the back of his head, it didn't kill him, but he was out cold. "So this is how I'll do it." You started walking once more, you had your mind set on this, no going back now. As you walked closer to the entrance of the throne room, you had noticed that you still hadn't lost hp- of you were to even attempt to give your soul to Asgore, you'd need little to no HP.
You groaned and stopped. The moment you needed something to take your health, you'd already knocked it out. With a sigh you took the knife from the hem of your pants and you took in a breath, "just enough to pass out." You quickly hid behind a bush, it was thick, so it was unlikely you'd be found. You took in a quick breath and held it.
"Three-.. Two-.. One-" you quickly jabbed the knife into your side, you yelped in pain, but you knew you'd have to repeat the process. Your hands shook, and your breathing was shaky. With all of your effort, you yanked the knife from your side and stabbed yourself once more, your Vision instantly blurred when you did. You cod barely see, but you yanked the knife out of your side once more, and before you could do it once more, you were out.

You woke up on the ground it was your headspace once more.
You looked around carefully, trying to see if you cold find a familiar demon, But surprisingly you couldn't see her nearby. It was just quiet, and too quiet for your liking. You stood there, attempting to think of how to find her, yet you didn't ever get an answer from Chara.
Instead it was someone new, they had no facial features, just a blank blurred face.
"Hi" there voice was soft, and it had a slightly monotone sound to it. "You must be {Y/N}." They held there hand out, as if they wanted you to shake it, and you did.

"I have heard allot about you, your reputation is very strange if I must say." A smile seemed to appear on their face as they spoke. "I'm am perseverance, it is nice to see you finally." You tried to give a half smile, as to be polite, but this whole conversation seemed strange.
"Do I know you?" They seemed to giggle at that question.
"Yes, but you do not remember me as it seems. I am here to chat of you do not mind."
"I actually don't have time right now. I'm trying to do something- to find someone who is normally here." They nodded, "I know, you are looking for Chara. She is away for now, locked in her own demons, I am sorry but I can't let you see her." Your eyes narrowed at the words she said, "her own demons?" Your voice was low and thick, threatening to yell it again. "Yes. She has been consumed by hatred, Chara has not been back for years. Just the shell of what used to be."

"I don't think you get it. I'm looking for Chara, the stupid demon that's followed me since the begging, she is always here, and I need her to do me a favor."
They tilted their head to the side.
"That dose not sound like Chara, She was kind, not a demon." They walked forwards an few steps. "You must be talking of someone else." You laughed "okay, if its someone else, tell me what she looks like. Their smile had faded at that point "short brown hair, shoulder length. Green sweater with a yellow stripe through the middle. Pale skin, pink cheeks. Scarlet red eyes. Their height is just a little less than yours." You grinned, "that's the perfect description of the Chara that's been following me as well."

"No that's the Chara that's been corrupted by hatred."
"That's your Chara {Y/N}. Not the same as the one I know."

This Flowers Already Dead. (Sans X Depressed! reader)Where stories live. Discover now