chapter 18: knowing

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"I can't" you finally said


You took a breath.
"I can't. I... I just can't."

She just stood there.
Why did every creepy person have to smile?

"Hm." She walked forwards, you walked back "i don't think you understand."

"I wasn't asking."

She lost her smile, and had a straight face.
"I'll get it one way or another.
You just wait"

Then you woke up.

You sat up and rubbed your eyes with a yawn.
You knew it wasn't "just a dream"
That definitely wasn't it.

"Chara..." You thought.
You knew who she was, and what she was capible of, but you couldn't quite remember where you'd met her..

You tried your hardest to remember anything other than what you already knew.

But the only thing that you guessed happened, was the reset, it apparently erased your memories.

You sighed and stood up.
You went to talk to sans, maybe he knew.

"Hey sans?" You called.

No answer.
Unfortunately you had forgotten he had century duty today, so you were Home alone.

Well at least it gave you time to process your thoughts.

Papyrus came home late, he said he didn't know where sans was, but that he'd probably be home soon.

You nodded sighed, knowing you'd have to wait and ask questions some other time.

In the meantime you thought, trying to decipher this puzzle.
You're best options, well thoughts, were that you probably  forgot what her, as well as your actions in the past led to this.

But you still had that faint bit of confusion.

"HUMAN?" Papyrus said, snapping you out of your daze.

"Oh, yeah?"


You stopped, you said that out loud?

"No one, don't worry about it papyrus" you said, trying to make him drop the subject and go back to whatever he was doing.


Even though you Clearly wanted him to forget it, he kept asking.
But he didn't stop and wait, he kept repeating "what'd you do?" Over and over and over again.

"I said it's nothing!-" you stopped.
That's the first time you've ever yelled at papyrus.
Yelled at anyone really.

He too seemed shocked.

You started panicking, you stood up and tried to force out 'im sorry' but nothing came.

So in a moment of desperation, fear, and confusion, you sprinted out of the door and into the cold

"Chara?" You asked yourself, Hoping somehow she'd answer.
But she didn't.
You sighed and leaned back on a tree.

You had lost the pretty much invisible path a while ago, so now you were just sitting in the Middle of a forest, pretty much freezing.

You closed you eyes and tried your hardest to think, but everything in your head was a scrambled mess.

"Howdy!" Something said, once again snapping you of you "thoughts"

You looked down to see who it was.
It was the flower.
That one from when you fell.

"Hi?" You questioned.

The flower giggled.
"You're really stupid." He stopped and tried to hold his laugh.
"(Y/N), you really shouldn't let your guard down."

You looked at him confused.

"She knows you're scared of her."
"And she'll use it to the best of her ability."

He giggled again, but in a demonic way before vanishing into the ground.

You looked at where he had once been.
How'd he know you were here?

Was he following you..?

You shook it off before you ended up making a big deal over it.
You already had enough on your mind.

You took in a breath of the freezing air and stood up, you'd have to apologise to papyrus soon.

You looked around and tried to find the path of footprints you left, but the snow had covered them.

You stayed calm, panicking wouldn't help you honestly.
You looked to your left and walked.

One way or another you'd find the path.

It'd been about thirty minutes since you had left, though it'd seemed like hours.

"You're lost aren't you?"

Chara finally decided to answer you.
You sighed, knowing now that she wasn't only in your dreams.

"No I'm not. Go away."

"See this is what I don't understand about you. You're so nice but when I try to help you, or show you your wrong doing, you make me look like the bad guy."

She laughed.
That sounded... different.. inside of your head.

"Huh, funny. There's a lot of thing so don't understand about you either." You said. She was quiet for a moment before she spoke up

"Like how I know you? Ot Maybe where I come from?"

You paused.
She was right. Those are the main questions you had.

"Well, to speed things up, I guess I can explain"

"Im you. But I'm the part of you that's known as the genocidal half. You and I have met before, but that was timelines ago, but our deal was that If I helped make you're like fun and exciting again, you'd give me your soul. You were curious as to what would happen if you killed everyone, and you were determined to know. I helped you accomplish that goal, but you didn't stay true to our deal. I just let you reset for the heck of it. And for a whole timeline, I let you forget about me. But I never forgot our deal. And it's time to play by the rules."

As she finished up her 'story' you found yourself frozen in place.
You vaguely remembered the whole ordeal, but still, you knew it was the truth.

"Did I really..?" You trailed off.

"did I really kill them...?"

A faint laugh echoed in your mind, and slowly an outlined, but detailed vision of her appeared in front of you

"Of course you did"

And with those few words, the ground rushed up on you, and you were engulfed in darkness.

This Flowers Already Dead. (Sans X Depressed! reader)Where stories live. Discover now