chapter 17: trying

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You looked up at him, fear filling your eyes.
"What?" You said, a slight shake in your voice.

He didn't respond, just smiled, and slowly faded away into nothingness.

You started thinking erratically, trying to get out of this place. You couldn't tell if it was working.

You tried for so long, tried so hard to get out.

But you failed.

You didn't want to die though.
...well if that even what would happen.

To say the least, you were terrified. You didn't know how time worked here. For all you knew they had already stopped trying.

That only pressured you to try harder to get out.
You tried your hardest to do anything.

And it seemed like you were failing, but... Once you closed your eyes, when you opened them again, you saw the ceiling.

The ceiling from the lab!

You tried to sit up and find anyone, but wires connected to machines kept you from moving too much.

You called out for someone, and thankfully someone came running ot you.

It was alphys.

She looked at you happily, seeing seeing that you were now up
She explained everything.

You didn't catch all of it, just due to the shock of finally being awake.

Something about "determination"

Before you knew it, sans too had walked in.
At first he had a blank look, but once he saw you sitting upright, his facial expression changed.

He ran up to you and hugged you.
Tears brimmed your eyes, though you hadn't even been gone for more than a week, it felt like years.

The hug lasted for a while.
And then a pain hit you.
It was sudden and unexpected, so you jolted.

Sans noticed it.
"What's wrong?" He asked, clearly worried.

"I- I don't know, my chest just started hurting?"

Sans froze for a moment, either thinking or realizing something.

"Let me see your soul." It wasn't as much as a question as it was an order. But either way you obliged.

It floated out from your chest to your hands.
That's the only way to describe it.

Sans was worried, you could tell, but he seemed to try to avoid scaring you.

All he did was sigh.
"Yeah we're definitely not putting anymore determination in there, not again."

You nodded.

It'd been a while, bout a month or two.
You hadn't really done too much.
You just sat around in Snowdin with Sans and occasionally cooked with papyrus.

It was a reoccurring event, but you didn't mind it too much.
That person... Gaster? That's what you think his name was anyways.

He hadn't shown up anymore, which was good.
But there was someone who did.

You didn't know their name, mostly because of when you saw them, they only looked at you, not saying a word.

You didn't know their intentions, nor did you know why they were there.

Either way, when you did see them, you'd be asleep.
Must just be your imagination..

It wandered all the time so it wasn't uncommon.

"Hey." Sans said, snapping you out of your daze.

"Oh, yeah?" You said while looking at him with a smile.

"Paps and I are going over to undyne's place. You can come if you want to."

You nodded. It'd been a while since you'd seen her, it'd be nice to catch up.

"Okay, well I'll give you time to get ready."

You nodded again and walked up to the shower.
Water wasnt too warm, but it wasn't horribly cold, at least you were clean.

After that you got changed into a shirt alphys had given you.
Something along the lines of "mew mew kissy cutie" or something like that

After you were fully dressed you walked back downstairs and headed out.

The walk wasn't too long, so it was fairly relaxing.
Once you made it there you all walked in, undyne and alphys were already there.

"Hey punk!" Undyne simi- shouted

"Hey." You responded back with a smile.

The "party" was nice.

For once you had dinner that wasn't spaghetti.
And it was actually pretty good.

Papyrus stayed back to train with undyne, and you and sans had started heading home.

Waterfall was still pretty, though you traveled it several times, it never lost it beauty.

You continued walking until Snowdin was back in sight.
As usual, it seemed to be snowing.

You didn't mind though.

You both headed back to the house, and went to sleep, considering that it was late.


A voice spoke from the darkness.
A child's voice.

"You don't remember me (Y/N)?" ... "I remember you."

You looked to see that same person standing there.

"We had a deal. Did we not?"

Confused you asked their name,
You knew that you hadn't made a deal with anyone you could remember.

"You know who I am. Don't play pretend. You know  what we've done. Look inside of you if you want answers."

You thought.
They had a look that seemed to ring a bell, but you didn't know.

"I.. I'm sorry but I don't know you?" You finally said.

"Tsk tsk tsk. Really? I thought you'd remember your partner." They paused.
"Its me.Chara."

Then it all hit you.
The name is all it took to make you remember.

"How...?" You asked, fear clearly in your voice.

"Even if you reset, I'll always come back. You know this. And not to mention that we. Have. A. Deal."

You thought.
"Give me your soul. I let you reset. Now it's time to pay up."

You had made a deal. Just not In this timeline.
You didn't know how long ago it was, but you knew the deal now.

She wanted your soul.

And so did someone else..

This Flowers Already Dead. (Sans X Depressed! reader)Where stories live. Discover now