eleven | lucas and maya?

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zayscookie: damn, he totally is jealous.

irishpancakes: what the hell, y'all?

catsarepurple: sorry, peaches 😰

imbatman: you two really do look cute together...

geniusisadora: you should probably talk to him, Maya.

irishpancakes: do I really have toooooo???

catsarepurple: yes, you do. get him to come back!

irishpancakes: fine, whatever.

irishpancakes has started a DM with texasboi.

irishpancakes: hey, cowboy

texasboi: what do you want? are you gonna make fun of me now, too?

irishpancakes: nah

irishpancakes: they want you back in the group, could you come back?

texasboi: do you??

irishpancakes: huh?

texasboi: do you want me back in??

irishpancakes: yeah sure, why the question?

texasboi: I... I like you. I know it's sudden and impossible for me to like someone I just met a week ago... but I like you. I love how you're so sarcastic, how you're so beautiful and the way you talk cracks me up all the time. but you... you said you were taken... so I guess I didn't even have a chance from the start.

irishpancakes: Lucas... I'm so sorry...
READ 11.45PM

author's note
okay, honestly, I've never shipped Lucaya but I felt that many people in this fandom shipped them, and it fits into my story so YEA I added it in 😚

thank you for close to 100 views on this story!! I hope that you guys love the story so far ❤️🎅🏼

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