A Beautiful Stranger

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*WARNING* This story contains drug use, sexual content and criminal content.

I walk in to my apartment after what feels like an eternity at work.

"Sara I'm home." I say out to my roommate but there is no answer.

I go into the bathroom and decide to have a shower, I look a reck after work my long brown straight hair is sweaty and greasy and my skin glistens from the sweat running down my face. I have to long cold shower and wash my hair. When I get out of the shower I wrap a towel around me a towel dry my hair. I walk out of the bathroom into my room and pull on some tiny little jean shorts and the smallest crop top I can find - if I could get away with being naked I would be - it's so fucking hot! I then walk over to my desk and put some weed into my bong before smoking it and then I smoke another.

I go out to the lounge room and turn some music on before doing some cleaning up around the place. A while later I hear the door and turn around. Sara walks inside followed by some guy I'd never seen before he is hot tall, built (not overly but enough), covered in tattoos with dark hair and the most beautiful piercing eyes. I turn the music down.

"Hey Sara." I smile

"Hey Belle." She replies "this is my brother Jason. I need a favour."

"What's that?"

"Jason just got out and needs somewhere to stay can he sleep in the spare room?"

"Yeah." I smile "no problems."

Jason smirks at me - his fucking hot and then I remember I'm basically naked. Great. Nice impression Belle! You couldn't come over more slutty if you tried. Sara goes and shows Jason his room and I continue to clean up a bit. Sara comes over to me.

"I've got to work tonight." She smiles "will you be okay here with Jase?"

"Yeah sure." I reply

"Awesome." She smiles "I'm sorry though it's a lot to ask."

"What was he in jail for?" I ask

"Ummmm armed robbery and assault."


"He'll be fine Hun don't stress."

"Yep, okay....." I say

"No honestly it'll be fine. I'll kick his arse if he fucks around I promise."


I got a little nervous when I found out about Jason's criminal record but hey honestly who cares at this point he needs somewhere to stay and it is his sisters apartment too. Sara eventually heads off to works and I sit by myself in the living room smoking joints and watching TV while Jason hasn't left his room. I start to get a bit hungry so decide to order pizza. I go and knock on Jason's door to see if his hungry.

"Yeah?" He says

"I'm ordering pizza do you want me to order you some too?"

"Yeah sounds like a plan." He replies "I'll be out in a sec."

I go online order some food and light up another joint.

"Hey do you want to share?" I hear a voice say behind me.

"If you want one there's stuff on the table." I smile

"You sure?"

"Yeah help yourself."

Jason sits next to me and smokes a joint - his sitting so close and he smells so good. But his Sara's brother, he has a criminal record and I don't know him.

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