When It All Falls Apart

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Before I knew it, it is the weekend before I go back to work and Jason and I had gone an entire week without any drama. We where just having a good time together, I hadn't gone to anymore 'jobs' with Jason even though he had asked me to in all honesty I didn't care for it.. I didn't worry about anything but spending time with Jason and yes there was a chance that Jason could end up in jail or take off at times but I'd come to terms with that. In all honesty I had to make a choice – to deal with what Jason is doing or to get over him and move on. I wake up this Saturday morning and roll over to see Jason laying next to me with his eyes closed and a smile on his face. I lean down and kiss his cheek – his smile gets bigger.

"Good morning Beautiful." Jason smiles

"Good morning." I reply

My phone gets a message.

Belle, I know you're with Jason but his not the one for you. Please give me another chance... Kyle.

I stare at my phone instantly knowing I wouldn't be replying.

"Who's that?" Jason asks

"No one." I lie "Just a wrong number."

"You look confused."

"I'm not." I reply "I'm going to have a shower."

I take my phone into the bathroom with me and turn my music on I jump in the shower and let the hot water run down my skin for what seems like forever. When I get out I change into some shorts and a sports bra and go back into the bedroom. Jason has left the room so I lie on the bed and stare at the message from Kyle. I love Jason so much but at the end of the day I was confused with Kyle still. I want to write back and ask him to meet me for coffee but I know that will be betraying Jason's trust. I like Kyle but I love Jason.... Why the fuck am I doing this to myself.

There is a knock on my door and I quickly close Kyle's text.


Jason walks in and walks over to me kissing me on the cheek.
"I have to go out beautiful but I shouldn't be too long."

"Okay." I reply

Once I hear Jason leave I open the text again and continue to stare at it.

'His your cousin Kyle – this isn't fair on him.'

'Belle he doesn't care about you like I do. He is happy to get you mixed up in his shit even though he knows it could get you hurt.'

'Kyle he honestly doesn't have me mixed up in anything.'

'He bought you to the warehouse and that in itself is dangerous.'

'He loves me.'

'The only person Jason loves is himself.'

'That's not true Kyle.'

'Then why has he been seeing his ex again.'

'Don't bullshit me Kyle.'

'Ask him about Roxy.'

'Why would I do that? Your just trying to cause trouble.'

'Yeah you do know he doesn't come here every time he leaves you.'

I don't message Kyle back but I lay on the bed and wonder how I'm going to ask Jason about Roxy because then he'll know I've been talking to Kyle again.

I start to notice things after that conversation with Kyle – just little things... Like when Jason gets a text and he smiles at his phone and the tone of voice he answers some of his calls in. I realize that Kyle wasn't lying – Jason is still seeing his ex and he didn't care about me the way I thought he does. A few days after Kyle and my conversation Jason and I are laying in bed and I look at him.

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