Secrets That Eat You Alive

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I drive over to the house to talk to Jason, I walk inside and he is sitting on the lounge. I go and sit down on the couch next to where he is sitting.

"Say what you need to say Jason and then I'm going."

"It's a long story but I don't feel anything for Roxy."

"But you're still sleeping with her Jason and that is enough to show me how you feel about me."

"When I got locked up shit was really bad and in all honesty Roxy was the only good thing in my life. She came and saw me as much as she good she helped me out with stuff. She was just there I found out after a few weeks inside that Roxy was pregnant – she came in all the time I watched her get bigger I saw photos of our baby and I was happy to know that once I was out I would have a family. I got a phone call 3 days before Roxy's due date to tell me she was in labor and I was so excited to meet my daughter. Then the phone call happened to tell me our daughter had been born but it wasn't good news she wasn't born alive. Roxy stood by me still even though she'd buried our daughter on her own and feel like coming out and hooking up with you was a big kick in her face. I don't love her I love you and I want to be with you, but I don't know how to end it with her."

"Fuck Jason." I sigh – I wanted to tell him what Kyle said to me but I honestly couldn't break it to him he already looked upset. "I'm sorry that happened but Jason I can't be with you if she is still thinking she is your girlfriend."

"I know." He sighs "I should have been around when all of that happened but I wasn't and now I guess I just want to make up for it."

"You can as much as you want Jason but I can't be apart of it."

I leave the house with tears running down my face I guess Jason's guilt outweighed his feelings for me but in all honestly I couldn't pretend that this whole situation was good for me. I get in the car and drive back to Kyle's place, I get out of the car and feel like a mess. I get inside and have a bong before finding Kyle who is lying on his bed watching TV and scrolling through Facebook.

"Are you okay?" he asks

"No." I reply "I went to see Jason."

"What happened." He told me about the baby.

"It wasn't even his baby and he feels guilty about it."

"What do you mean?"

"Not long before the baby was born she had a DNA test and the baby was a guy called Chris's child – Roxy had cheated on Jason just before he got locked up and fell pregnant. Jason thought the kid was his up until they had the test done but Chris knew the whole time it was actually his."

"What?" I say I suddenly go from sad to mad – I could kind of understand things before but how could he be there for somebody who cheated on him and lied to me. "So his cheating on me with some bitch who pretended a child was his when she knew all along it wasn't."

"Do you want to know the sick thing and I don't know if Jason knows this because he doesn't speak to me, but the child never died. It's father took the child basically as soon as it was born and Roxy has never seen her again. Roxy preferred the whole still born bullshit because the sick bitch likes attention but it never died she's been living on the other side of the country the whole time."

"What the fuck." I say

"Jason wouldn't believe me if I told him – but fuck its not fair that he doesn't know the truth."

"Can we get in contact with this Chris guy?"

"I can try but its been a long time since I've spoken to him."

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