Going Home

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Jason and I get back to the motel that he and Kyle having been staying at and he lets himself into the room and I follow. Kyle is laying down on the bed and looks at me and smiles.

"You're coming home?" he asks

"I am." I smile

Driving home from the town I've called home for the last year was sad but exciting – knowing I didn't have to do another shift at that seedy strip club made me feel better too. When we arrive at the apartment I get butterflies – I honestly think seeing Sophia is the most exciting part of this entire thing. Jason opens the door and steps inside I follow closely behind him.

"So she didn't want to come home?" Sophia says without looking around from her position on the couch.

"And not see you again? I don't think so." I smile

"BELLE!!!" she shouts flying off the couch and running over to me she hugs me and bursts into tears "I've missed you so much!"

"I've missed you too!!" I smile

"So what happened? What where you doing? Tell me everything!"

"In the morning hun? I just want to go to sleep."

"Okay." She smiles

"I'll sleep on the couch Belle you have your old room I moved in there after you left." Jason tells me

"Okay." I reply

I take my bags into my old room and lay them on the bed – Jason hasn't done much to change my room since I've been gone and the photo of the two of us still sits on my nightstand. I go and gave a shower and then go and jump into my old bed. I lay there for ages thinking about the fact I'm home when I get a knock on the door.

"Yeah?" I say

Jason walks in and smiles at me "How are you feeling?" he asks

"Okay." I reply "It's nice to be home again."

"Can I grab a pillow?"

"I feel bad for kicking you out of your bed."

"Its your bed." He smiles "I'm good on the couch."

"Come and sleep in here with me then."

"Belle, I don't want to confuse you."

"Then keep the door open." I laugh "Just come and sleep in here you shouldn't have to sleep on the couch."

"Okay if you don't care."

"I couldn't care at all." I smile

Jason lays next to me we both stare at the ceiling – neither of us can sleep and I feel a little awkward. Jason rolls over and faces me he brushes his hand close to mine.

"Are you sure you want me to sleep in here – you seem awkward."

"I'm not awkward." I reply

With that he grabs me hand and rolls me over to face him he then pushes his hand up my body to my face where he kisses me and I kiss him back – I don't even think about it. It feels natural and normal – I finally figured it out Jason is the one I want to be with a hundred percent, after he turned up this morning I wanted to come home because I didn't want to be away from him. I might have been crushing on Kyle but at the end of the day my heart belongs to Jason.

Making out with Jason and being in his arms feels magical and the two of us got no sleep at all.

"So what does this mean for us?" Jason asks

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