Running Away

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"Belle where are my shoes you borrowed yesterday?"

"Here Katie." I say taking them out to my housemate

"Are you okay hun?"

"Yeah fine." I smile

Katie and I have officially lived as housemates for 10 months now and it's nice having someone that doesn't ask questions but has fun. We met at work one day and before I knew it I was moving in.

"Have you got work tonight?" Katie asks

"Yeah." I frown

"Me too!" she smiles

After being away from home for twelve months I found that even though it's getting easier I miss everyone like crazy. I couldn't stop thinking about Kyle and Jason and every date I go on ends in a great big fail.

I hate my job, but it's the only thing I can do that pays good money in cash and helps me stay under the radar as much as possible. I get ready for work pulling on a tiny sparkly silver bra top and tiny black shorts and a leather jacket, I pull on some thigh high leather boots and head to Katie's room to see if she wants to drive to work with me. I go into her room and she's wearing a tiny pink bra top, a tiny pink skirt and pink pumps her blonde hair is curled in playboy curls. When the two of us get to work we go into the back room.

"Are you okay tonight?" Katie asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lie secretly I'm not – twelve months ago tonight I walked out of my apartment and that breaks my heart, the truth was if I didn't leave I would have had to make a choice and I didn't want to do that to either of them – it was just easier to have a clean break with both of them.

Out on the dance floor taking my clothes of for so many men made me feel sick but I do it because I have to – I do it because it pays my bills and I really don't have any other choice. Afterwards as I wandered through the club taking private dances I couldn't help but wish I had never left town but as I have to do regularly I remind myself that I had to do it.

"Can I have a dance?" Someone asks from behind me, placing their hand on my shoulder.

I spin around and wanted to run far away when I saw who it is.

"Kyle?" I ask

"Hey beautiful."

"How did you find me?" I ask

"It wasn't too hard... I have connections..."

"You need to leave." I tell him

"Not pleased to see me?"

"I left for a reason Kyle, please just leave me alone."

I walk as fast as possible into the back room and throw on my jacket then I ask one of the other girls Claire if she can give Katie a lift home. I sneak out the back door and to my car but when I got there Kyle was standing by my car.

"Hey just talk to me." He asks

"I don't want to talk Kyle go home and leave me alone."

"It's taken me so long to find you and you want me to go home."

"I didn't ask you to find me."

"Please talk to me. We can go and get a coffee somewhere."

"I'll give you half an hour, there's a coffee shop down the street."

Kyle and I head down to the coffee shop, we find a booth and sit down.

"I've missed you." He smiles

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