Hard To Believe

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*WARNING - This section has triggering topics (such as rape) included in it. If you are triggered by these topics please do not read*

Afterwards he kisses me again.

"I've wanted to do that since I saw you yesterday." He smirks

"Yeah?" I smile

"Don't tell Sara though she'd kill me."

"Don't worry I won't."

"I'm going to go and unpack the car." He says pulling his jeans on.

Before I know it his bringing box after box into the house and into his room...

"Do you want any help?" I ask him

"Nah I'm good." He replies "but I did get you something." He throws a large bag of weed at me "I don't want you to think I'm bludging."

"Awesome." I reply

"What do you want to do tonight?"

"Sleep?" I laugh

"How about we go out and do something a club maybe? I have been bored shitless for two and a half years lets go do something."

"Umm okay." I smile, I look at my phone to check the time it's only 6pm "we could go to a bar first or something to kill some time."

"We could." He smiles "or......."

He moves towards me and kisses me again and pushes me back down onto the couch. We end up having sex again and then again and before we know it its 9:30pm. We go and have a shower together and then I go and get dressed up I do my hair and makeup and then pull on a tiny little black dress and some tall black pumps. Then I walk out to the lounge room - Jason's wearing baggy dark blue jeans, skate shoes and a black singlet with a black hat on sideways. He looks hot and quite honestly I could jump him again.

"You look amazing." He smirks

We head over to a bar first to have a few drinks - Jason buys me a cocktail and we sit by the bar and talk for a bit. Then we head off to a club.

"This is a nice change." Jason says as we enter the club.

We go to the bar and get a drink.

"Hey." A blonde girl says to Jason

"Hey." He smiles

I grab my drink and walk outside for a smoke to give them a chance to talk.

"Hey." A guy says from behind me I turn around and this really cute guys standing there.

"Hey." I reply

"I'm Dylan." He smiles

His nothing like Jason but his still hot he looks fit but not built like Jason and his got a few tats but again not like Jason and his got dark shaggy hair - his dressed in jeans and a black button up shirt. Fuck why am I comparing him to Jason?

"I'm Belle." I smile

"So are you here on your own?"

"With a friend." I reply


I wish I had a boyfriend like him "No just a friend."

"Can I buy you a drink?"

"Sure." I reply quickly finishing off the one I've already started.

Dylan and I walk inside together and go and stand at the opposite end of the bar to where Jason is who is still talking to the blonde girl he glances over to me and smiles then he looks down at his phone and next minute a message comes through to me.

A Bad Boy Weakness (ABBW Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now