The Beginning of The End?

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Tuesday morning I wake up and roll over Jason must already be up. I pull on a sports bra and shorts and go out to the lounge room.

"Good morning beautiful." Says Jason

"Morning." I smile walking over and kissing him "I'm going to go for a run. I'll be home in a bit."

I go for my morning run and it feels amazing - it's honestly one of the best things I could do for not only my body but also my mind and I love it. I check the time and realize that it's time to head home. Getting ready for work is painful in all honesty I just want to stay here with Jason but hey it's just what I've got to do. When I get to work I open up the store and then start to unpack box after box of new clothing that has just arrived. The store doesn't get busy until after lunch so it gives me a chance to get everything done. Work goes so so slow all I want is to be home with Jason and I'm stuck here instead.

For the rest of the week work goes slow, Sara is never home and Jason's been going out a lot and doesn't seem to be finding a job - but hey it's his life not mine as long as he doesn't get locked up or anything again. Friday night when I get home from work Jason is nowhere to be seen. I go and have a shower and the go and get stoned before laying down on the couch and vegging out in front of the TV. As the time ticks on Jason still isn't home and it's starting to get late. I decide to text Sara.

'Have you heard from Jase?'


'He left when I did this morning.'

'His probably at Ash's, don't stress.'

'Yeah your right thanks Hun x'

'I'll be home soon, just finishing up now.'

'Awesome see you then.'

Sara arrives home pretty quickly after that.

"Have you tried calling him?" Sara asks

"Yeah, his phones off." I frown

"Don't stress Hun he'll be back."

As I lay in bed that night all I want is Jase but his still not home and I'm starting to get really worried. All I want is to be with him and I can't - the only thing that's been getting me through the nights after the attack is Jason and without him I feel vulnerable. I take a couple of antihistamines and manage to knock myself out. When I wake up the next morning the first thing I do is check my phone and he hasn't contacted me.

When Sara wakes up she tells me she hasn't heard from him either and by this point we are both worried, but there really isn't anything we can do. All I want is for him to walk through the door and he doesn't. I decide to go for a run the clear my head but it doesn't I just spend the entire time thinking about where he could be and what he could be doing and hope that he hasn't somehow ended up locked up again.... I continue to try and ring him but his phone is still off - I don't know what to do. The day drags on and still no Jason.

"What can we do?" Sara asks

"I don't know," I reply "do you know where Ash lives?"

"Not anymore, he moved since I went there last.." She sighs "I want to call the cops and see if they've picked him up but his been out a week I don't want the knowing about that if he hasn't. I might ring and check work."

"Okay." I reply as Sara goes off to her room to call the hospital.

When Sara comes back she said his not there so now we are back at square one... Where the hell is Jason? Sara and I sit on the couch both blankly staring at the TV wishing that Jason would just hurry up and walk through the door.

A Bad Boy Weakness (ABBW Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now