Is It Ever Worth It?

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We go back downstairs after a while Jason has his arm slinked over my shoulder and Kyle walks ahead of us. Why do these two have to confuse me!! We walk downstairs to a room and it is filled with guys – I honestly feel so odd being in here after all it seems more like a men's club.

"Oh Jase you bought us a stripper, good man!" one of the guys says

"Watch your mouth, Rocco." Jason snaps back at him

"Ooh protective much." He laughs "Guys Jason's in love!"

"Hopefully she doesn't end up like Roxy" another guy laughs

"Fuck up." Jason snaps

"Bro we're kidding fucking chill." Rocco replies

"I don't give a fuck what you joke about but don't make it about Belle." Jason replies

I got all tingly inside Jason has never defended me like this before and its hot.

"Oi Rocco we've gotta go and do a job, Kyle look after Belle." He demands

"Can do." Kyle replies

Jason turns to me and kisses me.

"I won't be too long." He smiles and he leaves.

"Okay." I smile

Kyle takes me up to Jason's office and lets me hang out in there while I wait. I get a text message.

'Hooooney! Where are you!!!'

'Hey Soph, I'm just out with Jason and Kyle. Do you want to hang out when I go home.'

'What are you doing I'm so bored!'

'Do you want to meet me at my place?'

'Ummmm HELL YEAH!'

'I'll see if Kyle will drop me off there soon.'

'Okay I'll wait for you.'

I go out and find Kyle with the other guys.

"Can you drive me home?" I ask him

"Yeah sure." He smiles

"Soph is waiting for me."

Kyle drives me back to my place and when I get home Sophia is waiting for me out the front.

"What's with the hoodie?" Sophia laughs "I only ever seem to see you in tops that show your belly."

"I was told to cover up...." I laugh

"They took you to the warehouse!" Sophia whispers

"Yeah.." I reply

"I've never been allowed there!! That's so not fair!!" she says "What did you do?"

"Just hung out." I lied

"I haven't known you for long Belle, but I know when you aren't telling me the truth!!"

"Kyle taught me to shoot."

"Kyle did?"

"Yeah Jason had other stuff to do.."

"Of course he did!! How are you not so confused about the two of them."

"Soph I am – when it was just Kyle and I today if it wasn't for Jason I would have been all over him but then when Jason was defending me I wanted to do the same to him... I love Jason but I have strong feelings for Kyle – I just don't know what to do.. And Kyle's not making it any easier."

"Hun I don't know what you should do but follow your heart."

"That's easy to say Soph but at the moment it feels like it would lead me to both of them."

"I'm glad it's you and not me." She laughs " I thought I liked Kyle at one point and after he kissed me and we both started laughing uncontrollably we decided we could only ever be friends."

"That would have been awkward."

"Nah we got over it pretty quickly." She smiles

Soph and I decide to watch some movies and chill out on the lounge for a while. We share a couple of joints and joke around – laughing about everything possible. I love spending time with her she makes me laugh and takes my mind off things when it doesn't seem possible. I would always have a bestie in Sara but she will never be like Sophia – Sophia and I have a connection that Sara and I have never had and she gets me. It starts to get really late.

"I think I'm going to go to bed." I tell Soph

"Can I stay in my new room tonight?"

"Ummmmm of course!" I smile

The two of us head off to our separate bedrooms and I basically fall asleep the minute my head hits the pillow. I hear someone come into my room and I figure its just Jason until I feel cold metal pressed to my head.

"Get out of bed – don't fucking scream or your dead." The male voice hisses quietly at me.

I get up and his hand instantly goes across my mouth stopping me from making a noise – he pushes me out of my room and outside where he bundles me into a car.

"Is there anyone else in the house?" he says

"No." I reply

Another guy gets into the car and the three of us speed off to an unknown location. The guy who kidnapped me made a phone call.

"I got the girlfriend." He said "We'll be back soon."

"What do you want?" I yell

"Shut the fuck up missy." The same guy replies

I sit in the back silent scared for my life – good work Kyle teach me how to shoot but I don't have a gun to use. After a while in the car the main guy bundles me out of the car and pulls me into a dark house he throws me into a room and bolts the doors behind him. I can't hear anything – it is completely silent. I sit in the corner and tears flow down my face – I don't know what to do – I'm alone and scared and am feeling extremely vulnerable. After a while I hear the door and someone enters and turns on the light.

"Smile princess." The blonde haired drug fucked looking guy says to me pointing his phone in my face "You don't want to look like a piece of shit for your boyfriend."

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