Don't Leave Me Alone

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A few minutes later Jason comes back in.

"How are you feeling?" He asks me

"Devastated." I reply "but thankful I don't know how I'd be today if you had have saved me."

"Hey it's okay beautiful I will protect you when I need to."

"I'm going to go and have a shower."

I swear I stand in that shower for at least an hour and a half in the hottest water I can handle scrubbing myself. Every so often Jason comes to the door and asks if I'm okay. Beyond the exterior his so sweet looking at him you wouldn't think so even before he saved me last night I didn't know it. I get out of the shower and put up an extremely baggy shirt and some longer than usual shorts I then stick my hair in a bun onto power of my head and climb back into bed. Jason knocks on my door.

"Yeah?" I ask

"Are you okay?"


"Can I come in?"


Jason walks in and sits down next to me on the bed - he starts to flick through Netflix and finds a movie to watch. Out of nowhere I start to sob again, he scoops me up and holds me again. I wake up to hear Sara.

"I'm going to work will you be okay with her?"

"Yeah." Jason says

"If you need me just call me."

"Yeah got it." He replies

"Just look after her."

"I will," he replies "just go to work already."

"Alright." She replies "I'll see you some time tomorrow."

"Bye." He replies and Sara leaves shutting the door behind her.

I lay in Jason's arms for ages and ages - sobbing on and off I was scared and felt violated but Jason makes me feel safe. I wanted to make him so jealous last night but all that happened was I ended up hurting myself in the process and probably screwed things up with Jason for good - why would he want me now? I'm used goods. At least his being sweet and making me feel better but we are friends and that's all we'll ever be after this incident. Thinking this though made me sob. What the fuck have I done? Why did I have to get involved with someone else to make Jason jealous? What the fuck was I thinking.

"Oh beautiful it'll be okay." Jason says

"No it won't." I sob

"I've got you." He soothes

"How can you even touch me? I'm disgusting." I tell him

"Your not disgusting - your beautiful. What happened wasn't your fault."

"It was - I should have never gone there I didn't want to I just wanted to make you jealous." I cry "and it backfired on me."

"I started it and I shouldn't have, I didn't realise it would go as bad as it did. Maybe we should just quit it - leave it as friends and not be so stupid about it."

"Yeah." I reply

"I wish we could keep it going but it's gone to far now."

"I know." I reply

Truth is now I revolt him - I knew that would happen. But oh well that's life for you. I honestly wouldn't want to be with anybody other than Jason again for a long time so hey I'm just going to focus on myself.

A Bad Boy Weakness (ABBW Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now