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Jason picks me off of the couch and takes me to my bedroom and lays me on the bed – everything is perfect and I want him so bad. For the first time in weeks we have sex, nothing has changed it still feels exactly the same as it did the last time. We have a perfect connection and I think that's half the reason I keep running back for more. Afterwards the two of us just lay there in each other's arms. For a while we don't say anything and then I turn to him and kiss him again.

"I've missed you." He says

"I've missed you too." I smile

I don't want to be without him, living with him like this over the last couple of weeks has shown me that I don't want to live in silence with Jason – I him and I want to be with him – yeah the Roxy shit happened but in all honesty that wasn't his fault I get where his coming from but I'm glad he knows the truth now and that maybe we can have a little more normality between us.

The next morning when I wake up his gone so I go and have a shower and then head out to lunch with Sophia.

"So he said it was okay if I move in?" Sophia asks me

"Yeah of course." I smile

"You look happy today....." she smirks

"I am.."

"So I'm assuming you two hooked up again."

"We did." I laugh

"So what are you going to do from here?"

"I don't know." I reply "Maybe give it another go, I just want to take it slowly this time."

"I don't blame you – things got pretty crazy last time."

"They did. I just wish we could be together without all the drama."

"Maybe its time to decide if the drama is worth it or not."

"I think it is." I smile "I think he is."

Once lunch is over I head back home and Jason still isn't back but that's okay I go and put some washing on and do some cleaning. After about an hour and a half Jason walks in the door walking straight up to me and kissing me.

"Hey beautiful." He smiles

"Hey." I reply

We end up in bed together again... This is perfect I hope this time we can make it work. And in a way I'm glad this all happened it made me realize that Jason is the one I want Kyle is an amazing friend but anything more I'm sure I don't want with him.

"How did I ever deserve someone like you." He smiles at me.

"I wonder the same." I reply

"You deserve so much more than me." He replies "I'm just glad you still want to be around after I nearly fucked up everything. Hey I want you to know something, I'm sorry about how things went with Roxy but I love you and I want to be with you – but we did sleep together a couple of times in that time while I was with you. I regret it so much but for some stupid reason I thought I owed her to do whatever she wanted."
"I figured Jason." I sigh – why the fuck now did he have to bring this up I was happy pretending none of that happened "Just don't do it again and it's fine."

"I won't I hate that I did it in the first place."

"Has she contacted you again."

"She's sent me a couple of texts but apart from that no, I don't think she'd be game enough to see me or call me."

"Have you replied to her?"

"Fuck no! I'm not insane."

"I want to meet her."

A Bad Boy Weakness (ABBW Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now