How Much Is Too Much?

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Jason's POV

I didn't think this job would take as long as it did but Kyle told me he dropped Belle home so I'm glad she's hanging out with Sophia and not still at the warehouse. My phone gets a message and I automatically assume its Belle asking where I am. I glance down but its not what I'm expecting it's a photo of Belle with tears running down her face and she looked scared as fuck. The message underneath explained it all – if you want your girlfriend back alive you will meet me at 6 Nelson Blvd in 3 hours and you need to bring $500,000. JKS.

"Rocco the JKS crew has taken Belle."

"What the fuck?" he replies

"They want $500,000.00"

"We'll go back to the warehouse and figure it out."

Rocco speeds back to the warehouse and I basically jump out of the car before the engine stops and head inside.

"Boys I need you all here now." I yell

"What the fucks going on?" Kyle asks

"JKS has taken Belle." I snap shoving the message into his hand.

"Oh fuck" I hear Kyle say

What have we gotta do one of the guys Grant says.

"They want $500,000.00" I reply "In 3 fucking hours."

"We can do that."

"I don't give a fuck." I yell "I'm going to kill them."

"So what's the plan?" Grant replies

"Kyle and I will go to the meeting place – Belle needs someone she trusts while I'm dealing with the bullshit." I tell him "I need guys close by though just incase things get out of control but one things for sure we will be getting her back tonight and I don't give a fuck who dies to make sure that happens."

"Sure thing." Grant says "Rocco you can come with me – Daniel and Tyrone you can go back to Jason's and make sure nothing has been done to the house. Jay and Marcus you guys need to be in another car close by - Ricko and Glenn you guys in another. Trae you need to stay here incase something happens while we are out there."

"Got it?" I ask them

Daniel and Tyrone head off to my house first, while we play the waiting game and get prepared for getting Belle back. My phone starts to ring and its Daniel.


"There's a girl here she was hiding in the bathroom?"


"No, she says her name is Sophia."

"Fuck ask her what she saw or heard." I reply "Don't let her leave it isn't safe."

"Nah I won't."

"Thanks Dude." I say "If anything comes up call me back."

"Yeah no problems."

I call Kyle over.

"What's up?" he asks

"Sophia was at the house when they took Belle."

"Is she okay?"

"Yeah shaken up but Daniel is keeping an eye on her."

"Thanks man."

"No problems."

The three hours goes so fucking slowly all I want is to get Belle back but at this point it feels like the time will never come quick enough. I was starting to get edgy I don't know how many times I've told someone to go fuck themselves since I got the news. I want to kill these fuckers – they have no fucking idea what the fuck they've started. As soon as it hits time we are on our way – car after car exits the warehouse people that weren't given a place are basically just waiting to be called in from around the corner. Everyone slowly parks into places where they can't be seen but so they are close enough to get involved.

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