A Part Of Something

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Trae is concerned with the wound and Jason doesn't look good his completely pale and has lost a lot of blood.

"We need to get him upstairs." Trae tells Kyle and Rocco who help Jason up the stairs.

We get to this room that is seriously decked out like a hospital room – Trae puts in a drip, gives him some painkillers and works to remove the bullet. I sit in the corner of the room not knowing what to do or say. In the end I leave the room and go and sit on the floor outside. A few minutes later Kyle follows me out.

"What happened?" I ask him

"The JKS we are still having problems with them."

"So Tyrone's dead?"

"Yeah." He frowns "It's sad but it happens we have lost so many guys over the years you tend to get numb to it."

"Will Jason be okay?"

"That one is a tough one Belle he will be okay."

"I hope so" I say as the tears run down my face.

He puts his arm around me and wipes the tears out of my face.

"He will pull through beautiful – for you."

We sit there for ages and Trae and Rocco stay in with Jason I want to go in there and find out how he is but I'm scared of the answer – I really don't want to know the answer if its negative.

"I'm going to go check on him." Kyle says

"Okay." I reply

Kyle goes into the room and shuts the door behind him – my stomach is in knots while I wait for Kyle to come back. When he does he doesn't look devastated so that is a good sign.

"His going to be okay Belle – they've gotten the bullet out it didn't go deep enough to injure anything else and they've stitched him up his got more colour back too. He wants to see you."

"Okay." I reply

I go back into the room and Trae is monitoring him while Rocco is playing with his phone in the corner, I walk over to the side of the bed and he does look better than a while ago.

"Hey beautiful." He says really in a really groggy voice.

"How do you feel?" I ask him

"Like shit but as long as your okay that's all that matters."

I take his hand and squeeze it, "I was worried about you."

"I'm okay." He said "I will always be here for you."

Trae turns to me and smiles, "His going to be fine, you guys can take him home and I'll come back over in an hour or so to check on him and change his drip."

Kyle and Rocco hope Jason to the car and while I drive home Kyle holds up his drip – when we get home we get him inside and into bed – Kyle makes a hook so we can hang up his drip and then leaves us to have some privacy.

Laying in bed next to Jason I can't help but think that tonight I actually thought I was going to loose him.

"Are you okay?" Jason asks me

"Yeah, its just I thought you where going to die tonight."

"Babe, I will never leave you. I promise."

"It doesn't matter – I finally got you back and we've finally worked things out and I thought you where going to die."

"I promise beautiful I'm not going anywhere."

"Do you need anything?"

"Can you get Kyle to get me some more painkillers Trae sent him home with some."


I go and tell Kyle that Jason needs some painkillers and he comes in and gives him a shot. A while later Trae comes over and checks on Jason although he says he looks good he wants to stay here tonight to make sure. I stay cuddled up with Jason all night I'm so happy his okay.

The next morning Jason was looking so much better but he had to take it easy – but when Kyle and Rocco got called out for a job he told me to go with them.

"His obviously is getting sick of me being around him all the time if his sending me out on jobs." I snap at Kyle

"His not he just thinks its time for you to learn – your part of his life now and because of that its time for you to be more involved."

"After the reception I got last night some of the guys aren't happy about that."

"Don't even bother listening to them Belle, they just don't like having a girl do a better job than them." Rocco laughs

We go and pick up some guns and the boys give me one, which I put into my jeans. And then we go back to the car and get in.

"So Belle, Kyle is going to wait in the car for us – you're coming to this job with me."

"What really?"

"Yep." Kyle smirks "It's your turn now."

"What do I do?"

"Follow my lead." Rocco says "You just need to have my back."


Rocco and I get out of the car and I follow him up the driveway of a house, we go up to the door and he pounds on the door. The guy that lives in the house opens the door spots Rocco and tries to take off and Rocco managers to grab him before he gets away, he pushes him against a wall.

"Been dealing in our neighborhood you stupid fuck?"

"Nah man."

"Bull fucking shit." Rocco tells him "We've seen you."

"What do you want?"

"Everything that is in this place. You're money and drugs." Rocco nods down at my gun and me so I walk up to the guy place it against his chest and Rocco goes through and gets everything he can. Once he finishes he gives me the okay to take the gun off him and the minute I step back he turns his gun on his foot and shoots him.

"Don't let us catch you again hey? He smirks "Or it's going to be worse."

With that we run back to the car my heart is pounding but I feel... alive.

We get in the car and Kyle takes off.

"How'd you go?" Kyle asks

I look at Rocco "She did great for her first go."

"Awesome!" Kyle says

When we get home I go into my bedroom and Jason is laying there checking his Facebook.

"How did you go?" he asks

"Rocco said I did great."

"You must be good Rocco doesn't like working with many people." He says

"My heart is going like crazy."

"That's adrenalin babe." He smirks "So do you want to do it again sometime?"

"Yeah!" I reply

"Well if Rocco liked working with you when we need a 3 person job and I cant do it you can." He smiles


"Yep, you proved yourself tonight. And I know Rocco will watch your back."

I kiss him. A while ago I would have never dreamt of being excited to do this but I am – I feel excepted – I feel apart of something. Gone are the days I was worrying about Jason doing something illegal and here I was joining in – it wasn't the old me at all – but she's gone.


A Bad Boy Weakness (ABBW Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now