Finding Out The Truth

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A bit later I start to get ready to go out with Jason, I do my hair in soft curls and then put on my makeup. I then put on a red studded boob tube top and a high wasted skirt that matches my dark smoky eye and dark red lip. I start to put on a pair of studded black stilettos when there is a knock at the door.

"Yeah." I say

"Babe I have to run out for a minute ill be back soon."

"Promise?" I say

"Promise beautiful, I'll see you soon."

After I hear him leave I go out into the lounge room and pore myself a drink. I sit on the lounge and wait for Jason to get back. Yes I should have known I'd be waiting forever but a big part of me hoped tonight would be different. After two and a half hours my phone gets a message.

'I'm sorry beautiful but I cant make it home. I will make it up to you. I promise.'

"Was that my brother?" Sara asks me

"Yep, his not coming home for our date." I say "I'm over this shit Sara I cant deal with it..."

"I'm sorry." She sighs

"Its not your fault." I reply

"Well your all dressed up and I don't have to work... So lets go out and have some fun!"

"Ummm hell yeah!" I smile

Sara and I decide to go to a pub for a few pre drinks and then we hit a club. It's loud and everyone seems drunk and happy. Sara and I order shot after shot. I check the time and its 2am there is a message on my phone from Jason but honestly I don't care but I read it anyway.

"Hey where are you? Are you okay?"

I ignore it and put my phone back into my bag. Instead of chasing after him I have another shot and then another. After a while I loose track of Sara but continue to drink. After a while I feel completely drunk and can hardly walk.

"Hey." A male voice says sliding up next to me at the bar.

"Hey." I smile

"Can I buy you a drink?"

"Yeah." I reply "What's your name?"

"I'm Kyle." He replies

"I'm Belle."

Kyle buys me a drink and then he asks if I want to go and get something to eat so we leave the club and go and find food.

"What can I get you?" asks the waitress

"A double cheese burger.... Ooooh and onion rings..... and a medium chips..... ummmm and nuggets?" I laugh

"I'll have the same" laughs Kyle

Kyle's hot his tall, well built, he has shaggy brown hair, tattoos and has quite a few piercings. His funny too and happily is putting up with my drunk arse.

"So are you seeing anyone?" he asks me

"Kind of but hey he hardly is around and everything else is more important."

"Oh yeah I know those kind of relationships."

"Yeah time wasting useless ones...."

We get our food and talk and laugh together. After we are finished we both get up to leave and head outside. I lean on the wall outside the restaurant.

"You should head home." Kyle smiles

"Yeah, I should" I reply

Kyle leans over and kisses me, I grasp at his shirt and pull him in closer.

A Bad Boy Weakness (ABBW Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now