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The Mercenary waits in a well worn chair in his rarely visited apartment. Wade's eyes staring at his knees as he sits sideways in the chair with his long legs over the arm of the seat. His mind caught up in memories and mysteries of his idea of his past filled with partial memories and many blanks as he waits for his close arachnid friend who's in the bathroom changing to get in the shower.

He had found Spidey again. At the top of a roof contemplating hurling himself over it. His Hero about to end his life for the sake of his long dead family... Again.

A knock on the bathroom door signaled Deadpool could enter. He wiped away his own thoughts about Spidey and his own poor results in having a family.

(Oh oh oh! Let's take a peek at what he's got! I'd like to see that perky ass in the bare. We could pound the stuffing out of him on the tile wall!)

[You sick fuck. Now isn't the time nor place to think like that. He's trusting us to let us watch him. To try and protect him from himself.] Yellow snaps at White. [Don't ruin this]

Wade quickly rises from his seat to enter the small room carefully. His eyes staying towards the floor to make sure Spidey was behind the curtain just to give himself some dignity to not be a complete pervert despite the desire.

[Not to mention to at least attempt to gain his full trust instead of awkwardly being push away after you make sure he won't kill himself.]

'Why of all things would he choose to jump to his death? We've seen him survive much worse impacts in fights.'

[Fights that he hardly tries to fight anymore.... he won't even speak anymore. Maybe you should talk to that red head he goes out with sometimes.]

(The one where he has solely proven he has no game? Yeah right. He doesn't seem that interested. Who won't even hold his hand? Cause we're not enough for him, and even though we stopped him from killing himself the first time was because we confessed our love for the arachnid we may or may not have been stalking for over a year before the call came in...Why  can't he just love us back?)

[He's probably strait. Not interested in our pansexual ass.]

(Nor the other side of the package then neither then huh?....)

[I'd say not.]

(But he let's us in the bathroom when he knows we want him. Seems a bit shady.... I think he wants it. Lets Give it.)

[We didn't really give him the option to choose.]

(Still wants it.)


"Yes." The Arachnid responds quietly in a mono, blank tone.

"Give me the razor." Wade says sending a hand past the curtain open palmed, waiting for the object to be placed in his hand. He sighs in disappointment when the object he hadn't even been sure was in there was put into his hand.... And then another. "Spidey is there any else?"

No answer.

"If you don't answer then I'm Going to come in and check." The merc threatens. Wade waits in tension for some response as he stares away from the semi see-through curtain. "One... Two... This isn't at my cost. Spidey you know I would love to come in and visit." He Further says in a non-menacing threat, the feeling of something being terribly wrong setting in as he waited the last second before moving the curtain aside to at least see what the hell the Spider was doing.

He freezes at the sight of his hero slumped against the cold porcelain of the tub. He for the first time takes in the soft face of the man who would never reveal his identity before wade's eyes begin to travel down Spidey's body, taking in the sight of the too prominent collarbone, the too easily seen divisions of his ribs, hips that were just ever so slightly too boney. Evidence of the start of starvation. Many light, almost invisible scars are easily seen on the young man's arms. His healing factor making quick work of hiding last night's self induced wounds. He doesn't allow himself to look any lower on the arachnid because we wanted to try to be his best for the Hero. To try and earn his trust.

"Why, Spidey? Why would you do this to yourself?" Wade asks the unconscious other as he reaches stealing away the third weapon still on the younger man's hand before turning away to grab the first aid kit. His chest hurt with the knowledge of what was becoming of his Hero. The only one he'd ever really liked to look up to.

Kill Me Once Shame on Me, Kill Me Twice Shame on YouWhere stories live. Discover now