Dark Soul

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Ryan made it up in time to see Deadpool pull Spidey aside and away from Brendan. Ryan noticed the missing mask but the mercenary blocked his view of the face of the arachnid before he could make much out.

His eyes moved away from the pair as he pulled himself up into the creaking metal, the shelf groaning under the strain of four men but didn't concern them enough to think about moving.

When his dark eyes finally found their way to his boy friend he was struck, frozen in place as he stared down at the light brown haired one that had always chased his nightmares away.

Ryan didn't have the ability to comprehend what exactly he was supposed to understand about what had happened when he fell to his knees next to Brendan.

He had been selfish when he had left Brendan, he'd left him with no plans of going back for him but that didn't mean he didn't still love him, or think about him.

" Brendan?" Ryan asked softly as his hand carefully brushed along his blood streaked cheek. He knew he wasn't going to get a response. There was no way he could possibly... that anyone could survive this.

Brendan's face was lightly swollen from the start of bruises, his lip slit and Ryan was sure there were far more severe injuries under his skin. Blood was soaked into Brendan's shirt, the source being from a stab wound, and inch in diameter in the man's chest while a deep bite mark in Brendan's throat gave hint that the arachnid everyone called a hero was far more a monstrous creature then he let on.

"Brendan?" Ryan tried again. He didn't know why. He knew Brendan wasn't going to wake up. He knew he was dead. "Come on. Please, you can get up." So why did he keep trying? There's no way Brendan could get up, even if he was alive.

No. But Brendan had called for him. He'd screamed for Ryan because he knew... he-

Why would Brendan call for him? He couldn't have been able to save him. Ryan would have died right there with him.

"What did you do to him?" Ryan asked looking up from the cradles body in his arms to glare up at the two suited up men before him.

"You!" Peter instantly snarled the moment he looked over Wade's shoulder to see Ryan. Ryan tried to stand up quickly when the arachnid pushed past Deadpool, trying to launch himself at Ryan only to shout out in pain as he was pulled back by his hair.

It was the only thing Wade had been able to get a grip on, and they both new it would be the only thing painful enough to jerk Peter back to give him his attention.

"No." Deadpool snapped at the mask less spider, tugging him back at his side.

Ryan looked on disturbed as he watched Spider-Man settle at Wade's side, looking up with shame and a look Ryan could easily read as someone who was fearful of disappointing.

"But Wade-" The arachnid started quietly.

"No. You've done enough Peter." Deadpool said, his tone not commanding any longer but...sad, overwhelmed? "This is Wade Ryan Wilson." Deadpool said turning to Ryan who tried to say something only to be interrupted by The man's next words. "Venessa's son. My son... it's why he can heal Peter. This, he's not someone you should be afraid of."

When Deadpool turned away from Ryan to look down at Peter the young mercenary was gone by the time he glanced back up.

Wade sighed and looked back down at Peter who was staring up at him with still watery eyes.

"You hurt me."

"You know I didn't mean it Peter. You know I'll never do it again." Wade whispered as he smoothed down Peter's hair after pulling him back against his chest in a hug.

"I'm sorry,"

Wade softly hushed the arachnid. "It's okay."

Wade didn't go after Ryan. He knew he'd come back. He had no where else to go.  But now Ryan wasn't Wade's concern. Peter was. Peter was who mattered now because it was clear he wasn't okay.

He needed Wade. More then Wade needed to find family that didn't want him.

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