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Brendan discovered that he truly was nothing. He meant nothing. No promise he and Ryan had ever made to each other mattered. That hurt. It stung for a long time as he waited for his partner to come back for him. He had been so confident the mutant would because he loved him back. Obviously Brendan had been wrong. Very wrong in thinking Ryan had ever cared.

The Brunette stared angrily at the wall across from him as other prisoners walk past his cell door, escorted by guards. He was alone in his own, his profile high in alert despite his small sentence. He had proven he was well trained in combat when one of the other inmates had come at him with a shard of broken glass because the young man had taken his spot in the cafeteria. It's not like Brendan knew, the man's name wasn't written on it.

He hadn't been further punished by law for his actions, dislocating the offenders arm in a quick movement as the stabbed at him to try and 'put him in his place'. It was a very stupid reason to get pissy. Brendan might have moved if the dude would have asked, but some people were just that thirsty for a fight. Brendan understood they. Ryan was like that. Apparently a fight against a few guards and others in his way to get to Brendan in his cell wasn't enough for the practically immortal blonde to take part in.

Brendan had a plan and two options. He could wait two weeks to be let free or he could get his as or of here as soon as possible. He was skilled enough to get out, agile enough to climb whatever he needed to get out. He was the best in his field, had a rather big reputation compared to others a while back because of how good he was. He used to be a thief before being drawn into training weapons before getting out with Ryan.

After he got out, either way, hed go strait to Deadpool. He knew that mercenary was looking for answers. Spider-Man had come and spoken with him more then once. He didn't understand why of all people the arachnid chose to be the one to share his personal life with one like Himself. He didn't object, he was informed of how his appearance in their life had ruined what the two supers had. Deadpool was drifting away from Spidey and Spidey was taking the hit hard and hated him, Ryan and Brendan for it though the hero never failed in stopping by after stating that quite bluntly.

All this meant to Brendan in his plan was that his intel was worth something to them. Not Spidey directly, but it would lead to a stability they had lost that could be rebuilt. He did sympathize with the arachnid, forming a friendship, or at least that what it was in a distant for to him.


They would lead Brendan to Ryan. Ryan would trust him at first would he not?  Pretend to be on the super's side to find his 'love' and save him from them. But then he would corner Ryan himself for his own wants and show him just how he felt about Ryan's misgivings. His lies. Broken promises and vows.

He would remind Ryan that he wasn't the only strong one in this world. Wasn't the only one who knew how to kill a fucker. Ryan would more then likely survive Brendan's attack. But hat didn't mean that the blonde wouldn't be looking over his shoulder for the rest of his life, in fear of the one who's heart he'd crushed when he'd abandoned them.

Brendan glowered at the wall.

Good thing he hadn't been given a longer sentence. Ten years and he might not have ever cared about revenge. He only had two weeks.

Two weeks until he could set his plan into action.

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