Dark soul

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Ryan shifts slightly to re-aim the rifle. The younger Mercenary lay on his stomach on a taller building behind his target. 

"What are they doing?"

"Just talking." Brendan answers as he watches from the other of the Street in front of the pair.

The sights are lined up where they line  up to pierce the heart of his target through his back. "I'm taking it." He wasn't worried. He'd done his research. He'd ordered the right supplies. He had the right bullets. The ones that took down Wolverine. 

Ryan imagined the disapproving look on Brendan's face just before he fired the shot. He hadn't wanted Ryan to do this. He didn't want to risk losing his boyfriend for the large check he could get for this job. He hesitated for a moment as he clearly pictured the worried look of disappointment Brendan was giving him before pulling the trigger.

The smaller figure seemed to jerk away from his target as his finger pulled against the small restrain of the trigger his target only being able to react in a minimal amount before falling lifelessly over the edge of the building the pair had been on.

Ryan could hear the faint yell of the unidentified person that had been so closely been sitting next to the larger Merc as the dove over the edge after the red and black clad man.

Ryan snorts at that. How stupid. In no way would he ever launch himself off of a building after a corpse. Not unless he truly wanted to die. Perhaps for Brendan...he wouldn't ever be able to forgive himself if something happened to him. Then again simply jumping off of the roof wouldn't render him unable to reheal. He would have to do something far more drastic.

"Ryan get out of there." Brendan says urgently.

"What? Why?"

"Ryan now. You have to get out of there. He's up."

"You mean he's not dead?" Ryan asks in confusion. How was that possible? The adamantium whatcha McCall-it was genuine. It would have killed Deadpool. His healing factor was based off of the mutants. Ryan quickly starts to pack up his weapon, not giving himself too much more time to ask why as obviously those questions wouldn't be answered now.

"No he-" Brendan abruptly stops talking, his breathing still audible. "Spider-Man?" The other whispers in fear. Fear of all things. Spidey would have been one of the last of all those who could pose a threat that Ryan was actually worried about.

Ryan freezes as he waits to hear something else but the com ends in a flurry of static. Ryan drops his weapon and runs towards the fire escape of the building to get to where his partner had told him he had set up. Something was wrong. Very much wrong. He should have listened. No. no, he needed to do this. He instead should have brought Brendan with him. He shouldn't have had him set up on a completely different area with only a Bluetooth piece as their communication and only their feet for any form of transport to get to each other.

He reached the ground quickly, not risking just jumping down two stories for the fact he didn't want to have to delay himself because he couldn't heal fast enough. He ran down the street, past the building were his target had been minutes before on his way to the tall apartment building across from it. That was were he knew Brendan was. The eighth story up. Fourth window from the left.

Ryan doesn't make it to the building. He's stopped by a broad shouldered man... in red and black spandex. Clearly a very pushed off look on the Man's mask as he glared down at Ryan. A bullet hole where he Ryan had made his mark only dried blood and the hint of possible scars showing remained. Clearly his target wasn't dead or HIndered. He didn't even appear to be coming close to death any time soon or like he'd just died. 


"Fucker. You forgot a very distinct, Key fact." Deadpool says lowly in a threatening growl as he walks towards his attacker. "Wiki facts says Distinctly similar. Not exactly alike. I have nothing genetically in common with dear old man wolvie."

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