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"Who are you and where did the shot come from?" Peter demanded as he advanced on the light blond that had been hidden on the tall building. He had made sure Wade landed softly to reduce the requests of the man's healing factor before quickly making his way here where he had caught the glint of this man's binoculars. He had been watching them.

"I don't know." Brendan said trying to back away from the advanced human. Sure, Brendan was a skilled fighter but he also wasn't stupid. He couldn't take on Spider-Man. He had seen the guy throw a car like it was some sort of  large frisbee.

"Yes you do." Spidey growls as he grabs the stranger who was a good six inches taller if not more. Not detoured by this this unfortunate fact he pull the stranger down to his level. "This would normally be where I say some smart thing about the weather down here but you've pissed me off. Where did the shot come from? Last time I'm asking."

The lenses on Spider-Man's mask narrow to a glare when the man doesn't answer. "It's your life you've cost. Deadpool's coming back." Parker growls as he drags the man towards the window.

"What are you doing?" Brendan questions as he moves with the arachnid.

"Something I might regret in the future."

The non-special human tenses, immediate thoughts of being killed by the unnaturally angry hero flashing through his mind. He struggled to twist out of the Spider's grip before making the quick decision to try and distract the hero long enough to give him time to attempt escape. He discovered very quickly that his choice of attack was very very wrong as the bones in his wrist snap, crackle and pop.

Brendan cries out as he pulls his broken hand away and brings it to his chest as he protectively favors it as Peter glares at him taking no responsibility for the out come of the punch. It wasn't his fault that he seemed to be made of Steel and didn't plan on apologizing for it...

"Sorry." He muttered despite himself... It also wasn't this guy's fault for not knowing and aunt May had always told Peter to be polite and sympathetic when needed but didn't stop his movements of dragging Brendan towards what he assumed as his end.

"You're not going to kill me are you?" The blonde asked still hunched over his wrist which would surely never work correctly again which sucked because he was right handed but of course he wasn't aware of that.

Peter stopped to look at the stranger who must have been in his twenties. Not severely younger then him by any means though surely much less experienced in fighting. "Do I seem like I'm able to risk that after how long it's taken me to make them look at me as someone who just wants to help?" He asked.

Brendan didn't respond as he looked far bellow them to see Ryan standing before Deadpool.

"Of course that doesn't mean I have to save every person even if I am a Hero. Is that your partner?"

The blonde didn't answer as he stared at the pair ready to square off.

"It would be a shame if I let him die wouldn't it. But I'm sure you don't care do you?" Peter continues. He's going to get his answer and he knows it.

It only takes Ryan's first scream to convince Brendan to speak. "Yes. Yes he is. Please don't let him kill him. I don't know if he can come back from something that severe. Please Don't let him kill him."

"That's what I thought."

Kill Me Once Shame on Me, Kill Me Twice Shame on YouWhere stories live. Discover now