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So close. Brendan could practically taste the blood of his ex already... no that's disturbing. He isn't a monster.

He'd finally make Brendan pay for think of him so lowly. He'd make sure Ryan never treated someone else like how he'd treated Brendan. People aren't expendable. You can't just decide m not to have them in your life just because. Ryan would be pained to learn this. But Brendan would be more than happy to teach it. Ryan once said he'd always protect him, never leave him behind. Even if what he was going over such a small sentence seemed petty, he knew Ryan wouldn't pause to do it again now once he's done it once. It was just how Ryan worked. He'd broken promises and now he'd learn to pay for them.

He was thrilled to be so close to what he wanted. The thought of betraying Deadpool and killing Ryan before the Merc got a chance with him didn't bother him. He knew the possible punishment for it but he could care less. What's he got to go back to?


Peter stared at Brendan from his point behind the pair in front of him. The way the two were shoulder to shoulder, sharing the view of the target while muttering to each of their was making his blood boil. His instincts had been crying out the same phrase since Brendan started getting close while working with Wade.

Mate stealer! Mate stealer! Where the only thoughts he associated with Brendan when he walked into a room.

Now so close to what they both wanted he could scent the indecent intentions the man had. He didn't know what they were but they involved Peter's mate and that man they were tracking.

No. He couldn't let Brendan do it. He'd seen to. Yeh, he was going to take Wade from Peter. He'd purposely done this! To get back at the arachnid for something. He wanted to get Peter out of the way and make him watch as he took Peter's mate for himself, letting Peter be taken over by his bad habits and scars. He'd tell Peter he should just cut a little deeper until the arachnid was slicing complete through his arm.

No Brendan wouldn't get to.

Peter couldn't hear anything anymore. Couldn't make out the words Wade was softly saying, trying to bring him back to consciousness. Brendan looked at Wade, frowning when he looked at Peter. "You alright?" Peter read on his lips. That did it. This thief trying to pretend like he cared about Peter so Wade wouldn't see how evil he was. He was trying to steal Wade from Peter. The things he said to try and tell Peter he didn't want anything to do with Wade were all lies. Even though Peter couldn't scent a hint of the dead like scent of a lie in his words he believed they were. He was convinced he was being threatened.

So he lashed out, shoving Brendan over the ledge of the building they were on, falling with him as they landed on the metal grating of a fire escape.

Ryan from his window across the street was staring at the scene in confusion. He only wasted a few seconds before turning away, grabbing the first 9mm semi automatic within reach (he owns multiple. Don't judge) and shoving the window open in a rush to get out to the conflict a ways away. He knew something was up. There literally was a bright red warning flag.... fuck make that two.

How'd they even find him? He hadn't-

The brutal scream of pain and fear froze Ryan for the second he was allowed as he looked up wide eyed at what was going on.

He wasn't the only one looking at the pair in shock, Deadpool befuddled with the scene before him before both Wilsons clicked into motion, sights on the same target.

Kill Me Once Shame on Me, Kill Me Twice Shame on YouWhere stories live. Discover now