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Peter as the other three fell to the ground with a great cry of shock. The last thing he'd expected was to poof into a new location. Safely with his line of work and dimension travelings it wasn't an uncommon experience but terrifying all the same at a moments notice or no notice At all. He sat up quickly from where he had fallen, a sudden horrible nausea he wasn't expecting anymore then the travel taking over him. He managed to pull his mask up and away from his mouth before vomiting his last meal out onto the cement not unlike then the others.

When he was done heaving the contents of his now empty stomach he glanced around, grimacing at the putrid taste left in his mouth from stomach acid. He was in a familiar place. Truthfully one of the last locations he wanted to be. It was the street in queens where his uncle had died, it's what first came to his mind when he had grabbed the injured stranger. It had been an automatic response as it always is when he hears a gunshot, to think of his Uncles death. It was as his own thought process that had brought them here with instead of a hospital like he had concluded they should be the second after the destination had been chosen for the teleported. Looking up he saw the the young mercenary was holding the steaming, glowing Device before Peter snatched it away. He ignored objections as he approached the one who was bleeding out on the side walk, his blood mixing with other body fluids on the scene by. When he crouched down he was tackled away, his head behind slammed into the hard cement. It didn't faze the arachnid as he was quite used now quite a few years into his heroing to be used to being slammed through buildings walls and cement slabs the like. This nearly wasn't anything challenging nor painful as he used his strength to push this new strange Wade or Ryan, what ever the hell this guy's name is, to the hard ground with a snarl.

"I'm trying to help him." Peter snapped at the other in pure annoyance. This Other dolt didn't have time for them to argue over what to do with the injured one.

"No! Leave him alone, I can take care of him!" Ryan screamed at the intruder.

"But your not!" Peter pointed out as he was pushed back down and away from the young man that needed his assistance. He could at least bandage him before he could bleed out and die from the injury if this moron would just let him help.

One shove and a flick of the wrist solved the issue quite quickly, leaving the dirty blonde strung up against a wall as Peter hurried m over to Brendan. The arachnid tried to ignore flashbacks of his past experience in this spot with another injured man. Only he had lived that one very much and would both regret and appreciate his death all of his life. Uncle Ben's last words had made him the man he is today, the hero he had made himself into. Without Ben's death Peter would have never thought with pure hero instinct he called his own. He would have only fought for his own gains, later possibly becoming someone like Deadpool if Ben had never been shot. He would only care for his own goals. Sure he wouldn't be the nasty person he was capable of being, his childhood having almost erased those qualities within him.


Peter owed Ben every life he could save, he wouldn't fail him this soul. Not when it was so Similar yet completely a whole different to what had happened here seven years before.

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