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The paladins and Nara gathered in front of Shiro behind the center dias.

Allura stood to his left.

"Alright paladins, here is the plan."

The princess zoomed in on the facility, where it was situated on an open foundation of barren rock. The open oval area was surrounded by thick jungle vegetation. Allura shifted the map to the left, where a small break in the vegetation was located.

"About half a mile from here there seems to be a cave system entrance large enough for the lions to enter. From there, the castles scanners can map out the bare minimum of how far down the caves go."

She zoomed in on the cave and moved the image back towards the base.

"Since there is no way to enter the facility from the surface without being seen, Keith, Nara, Pidge, and Lance will enter the cave and follow it back towards here, near an underground section of the base. From there they will create a makeshift entrance hopefully without being caught."

The cave looped by an outer wall below the base. Any lower from that section was blurred into nonexistence due to the castle scanners range not being able to reach far underground.

"You will take the red, blue, and green lions and hide them below the opening of the large cavern. They will be well hidden by the overhanging foliage."

Lance raised his hand.

"Ah yea and how exactly will we get the lions down there without being seen from above?" He questioned skeptically.

Allura smirked and moved the holomap far out of the planet's atmosphere. It rested on the image of the mining frigate they had been following for the past week.

"This ship will be docking on the planet within the hour. You will hide below the ship's underbelly near the thrusters. Once its close to the surface, you will push off towards the surface in the cover of the thrusters smoke."

An "Oh" formed on Lances face, causing Keith to chuckle lightly. Allura continued from there.

"Once you four are inside, you will use blip tech to give Coran a map of the halls. From there, he will lead you to the main shield power generators. It will be your jobs to take them out."

Shiro nodded at the princesses explanation and continued the rest of their plot for her.

"Hunk, you're with Allura and I, we will be landing in a cavern about two miles west of the facility. Once you four have the shield down we will follow the caves to the anomaly that the galra are guarding. Once this happens it's your guys job to get out of there as fast as you can since the guards will probably be on high alert. From there, us three will investigate this anomalys power source. Any questions?"

"Yea is there time for a snack right about now?"

Shiro sighed holding his brow while the team chuckled.

"Ok, any relevant questions?"

. . . . . . . . . . . .

Nara and the other paladins (except Shiro since his hangar could be reached by the control room) headed towards their respective hangars. Before Keith and Lance split, Lance stopped.

"See you on the surface." He said with a smile.

Keith nodded, responding with a grin of his own. Nara looked back and forth between the two before glancing at Pidge, who only shrugged. From there she followed Keith to his hangar. Thankfully Nara knew what to expect on the ride this time, and grabbed the zipline with one hand while Keith did the same. Yet, to both their dismay, she had to ride in his lap in the speeder. Once reaching the cockpit, Nara hopped off the boy as fast as she could, almost hitting her head on the low ceiling of the red lion.

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