A Blindman's Plan

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There were so many things in Keith's life he wished he did differently. He wished he could have saved his mom, kept Shiro safe from the Galra, not get his ass booted from the garrison, but from the looks everyone gave him right now, he regretted the past five seconds the most.

"Keith..." Shiro breathed.

The red paladin would prefer anger over the gaze Shiro was giving him. He looked so... Ashamed, they all did. Even Lance looked towards his figure in shock.

"I... Nara no I..."

His words caught in his throat as she smiled, actually smiled at him, nowhere near a happy one though, she gave a smile that would fit someone who just had everything taken from them, had nothing left to lose. Her eyes met the floor, that sickly smile opening up to form words.

"It's okay Keith, I understand why you would think that." She murmered. With the eyes of everyone boreing into her now, Nara calmly pushed back her chair, and turned to leave the room, no tears, no yelling, just silence.

"Nara wait-" Allura started before Nara raised her hand towards her.

"No, it's okay, it's... Fine." She finished with before hurriedly walking towards the halls. After her figure disappeared, Allura glared at Keith so sharply that he, the tempermental, strongheaded pilot of the red lion, was forced to look away.

"Keith... You know that it wasn't her fault" Hunk spoke up first, annunciating every word.

Shiro nodded towards him, but then turned back to Keith, giving him a look as if he were something the paladin had to deal with, and not his teammate, his friend.

"Why did you say that?" Was all he asked.

Keith's wide eyes looked towards Lance, who still hadn't said a single word.

"Keith look at me"

The red Paladin's gaze wrenched towards their leader, completely at a loss for words.

"I-I didn't mean it I swear... I'm so sorry" He breathed.

I know it wasn't her fault but why, why did I say that."

Allura stepped forward from her chair and swept around Shiro, coming right up to Keith's face.

"I do not think it is us that you owe an apology to" She said sternly.

Keith gave a small gulp before nodding. He couldn't face all those looks of disappointment anymore, they were choking him, drowning him in guilt that he wished with all his might he could take back. He couldn't take it anymore.

"I'll go apologize." He whispered before turning on his heels. Everyone stayed quiet for a minute or so watching the red paladin go, that was until Lance lept up to follow him. Nobody tried to stop either of them.

.     .     .     .      .      .     .     .     .     .     .     .

Nara's boots made small clacking sounds that echoed around the halls as she strode towards her room, but it was nothing compared to the booming noise of her thoughts.

"It's only a confirmation of what you already knew..."

She was an adult, almost 24 years old (how depressing to think she would spend a birthday in space), but here Nara was now, almost stomping down the hallway like a broken child throwing a temper tantrum. She was no leader, no rolemodel, just a hollow shell of a human being. The dread was an everpresent weight on her shoudlers now, permeating every orphus of her being.

"That's all I am right... Am I a failure or just straight up broken..."

Nara paused her mindless rant upon passing the main door to the bridge. The image of the frigate that had come up on the scanners earlier was still there, casting a shallow violet glow against the washed blue of the room. When her eyes landed on the image, visions of her rescue resurfaced in her head, when she dropped into the red Paladin's arms, running past the blurry quintessence pods.

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