Too Easy

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"How could they be so reckless!" Allura exclaimed angrily as Coran tracked the red lion's position.

"Maybe they're just out for a make-up flight?" Hunk stated with a hopeful shrug. Sadly his assumption was put to rest by Coran as the red lion appeared very close to the galran ship's location.

"I can't pull them up on coms, the signal is being jammed by the ship, they're too close!"

Shiro pulled his hand up to his chin, resting his other hand in his hip.

"Why are they going there, is there something about the ship they're just not telling us?" He thought aloud. Allura shook her head in bewilderment.

"I don't know but either way we must bring them back, if the ship relays a signal back to Zarkon then he will find us!"

Shiro put his hands of his hips.

"He won't get the chance, let's suit up team and bring them back!"

None of them heard Lance jog away from the doors of the bride after hearing everything.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

A slow hum drummed at Lance's ears as he sat in front of one of the blue lion's massive paws. He had stumbled there in order to be alone. Lance needed that right now, especially after what Keith said to him earlier.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT TO HEAR?" kept ringing in his head. Lance brought a hand up to his puffy cheek, pulsating beneath his touch.

"I want to hear that you don't have to worry about me..."

He was so useless, so inconsiderate, so... Miserable. It was bad enough being the seventh wheel of the team before the incident, but now... He felt like dead weight, especially with Keith risking his neck for them.

"Please, if anything out there can hear me please, just give me a chance to help..." he whispered.

Lance's whole life had been a rollercoaster of ups and downs. Being part of a large family living in Cuba didn't exactly raise a lot of interest from the garrison towards him. Lance had always had to work hard, go the extra mile just to achieve the minor things that seemed to come to others around him so easily. When he had finally gotten into the garrison, only to learn he was good enough to be just a simple cargo pilot, it crushed him. But then, he came along, the mullet at the top of their class who spoke to nobody but somehow succeeded in everything he touched. Lance was so jealous of him, but at the same time aspired to be him. Now as paladins of Voltron, even as just friends, Keith had become so much... More. He was his rival that made him feel valued and his friend who cared, a feeling that was invaluable to someone like Lance. But when Keith goes the length to help him, to protect him in his own fucked up way, it crawled at Lances skin like a scarab. He understood Keith was just caring about him, but he didn't want the pity, Lance wanted to show he could do this, do things on his own, because that's all he's done. Of course his family had his back and he loved them more than anything, but Lance worked for what he earned by himself, and feeling so useless would only continue to eat away at him.

"Maybe I'm just not meant for this." He muttered miserably, digging his face into his knees.

"You feel undervalued, but you are more than you realize."

Lance's head shot up so fast it caused a sharp crick in his neck.

"Who was that? Who's there?!" He demanded, rubbing his neck as he rose to his feet.

"You don't remember my cub, allow me to change that..."

Lance cringed and held his head as a flood of memories smacked at his brain. He saw everything, the ocean, the nebulae, blues whispy form speaking to him. He had forgotten the dream he had in the cryopod.

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