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Sometimes in our lives, there are these pinnacle moments that define how we perceive right and wrong, and how we act on it. These events can make it feel like your very being has crumbled, as if reality just wants to do everything it can to work against you. As for Lance, if you have ever felt everything in your life crash down into one moment, that pinnacle event that forces you to grasp your innermost insecurities, then you understand how Lance would be feeling right now.

"B-blind?" He stammered.

Shiro nodded only to tense up, realizing the boy wouldn't be able to see.

"Yes... Lance I'm... We're so sorry..." He had so much trouble finding the right words, after all it's not like someone could be equipped for this, nobody knew what the hell to do. Lance looked somberly towards the ground at his leaders apology, shocked into complete silence. Next to him, Keith's face contorted between so many emotions at once in a relentless motion, from panic, to fear, then eventually to anger, so much anger his face almost seemed to match his jacket color. Nobody moved fast enough to stop him as he marched right up to Coran and knocked him back against the center dais.

"You said he would be fine! YOU SAID HE WAS ALRIGHT!" Keith seethed, gripping the collar of Coran's coat with the intensity of a feral beast.

"Keith!" Allura snapped, stepping forward, but Shiro beat her to the punch. With a quick wrench, Keith was thrown backward to the floor, releasing his lock on Coran. All the poor Altaean could do was watch Keith with utter disbelief and confusion, not intended for the paladin but more for himself.

"The scans, they read that Lance was recovering, that his eyes would heal, and they still read that." He murmured to himself. Shiro looked with concern from Coran down to Keith, his face switching to an anger that seemed like a foreign expression it was so rarely plastered on their gentle leader's face. Keith sucked in a sharp breath at meeting his leader's eyes. The red paladin rarely ever saw his friend so indignant, and to be quite honest it... scared him.

"Keith, this isn't Coran's fault, there is absolutely no reason to turn on him. We should be working together to figure out how to help, not turning on each other."

Keith nodded in a shaken stupor from where he still sat limply on the floor, completely at a loss for how to respond.

"Why did I... Thats not me... I would never purposely hurt anyone..." He thought in horrified confusion.

Eyeing Keith cautiously before moving, Allura walked slowly to Lances catatonic form, the others watching her with shocked silence. As gently as the princess could manage, she lifted Lances chin towards her face, causing Lance to flinch in suprise at the sudden touch.

"There is dark magic at work here... Something that the cryopod possibly cannot fix..." She breathed, inspecting the wide purple spheres that encompassed Lances eyes.

Next to her, Pidge shook her head, her fists wound so tightly they resembled snowballs.


"Pidge..." Nara thought with a hand still covering her mouth. In front of her, the raging girl started to shake, tears falling like morning dewdrops from her red face.

"Lance should be okay, it's so simple, the cryopod should have fixed him, those were the readings, he should be okay!"

"Pidge, that's enough." Shiro said in a defeated tone.

The green paladin looked up to her black teammate with widened, betrayed eyes. She shook her head again, and with another frustrated yell, stomped out of the room.

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