Chapter 1: First Date

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     "Do I look okay?" Joey tried to smooth down his hair, the bangs stubbornly refusing to tame. Yugi chuckled.

     "Joey, Seto has seen you in nothing but jeans, bloody, and almost dead. You look great, comparatively." Joey rolled his eyes.

     "Not. Helping." Joey growled, and turned back to the mirror. He smoothed his black jeans, and re-tucked his cobalt shirt into said jeans.

     Yugi could not help but smile at his oldest friend. He knew Joey was nervous. "You're going to be fine. Seto already loves you, so the pressure is off."

     Joey looked at Yugi in the mirror. "But what if I screw it up? I screw e'rything up. This is important." Honey eyes pleading with the amethyst that stared back at him.

     Yugi sighed. "Joey, you are too hard on yourself. You are one of the most loyal and loving people I know. You will be fine."

     "I hope so." Joey sighed, looked in the mirror one more time, and then headed out the door and towards the club.

     At the same time as Joey was leaving and heading to the club, inside said club, The Pyramid, a cobalt eyed vampire was slipping his coat on. He looked in the mirror to confirm that everything would be in its proper place. "You look fine."

     Seto turned from the mirror to look at the voice that spoke. The tri color haired vampire lounged on the bed, his crimson eyes staring at Seto. "I didn't ask." Seto replied coldly.

     "Why, Seto, I think you may be nervous." the baritone voice chuckled.

     "Yami, I am not, and never will be, nervous." Seto said, emphasizing the last word slightly. He started walking to the door.

     Yami smirked. "Whatever." Seto stopped, turning his head slightly and narrowing those cobalt eyes. He huffed and walked out the rest of the way, heading down to the Sphinx bar to wait.

     It did not take long before Joey loped in, eyes locking with Seto's. Seto smirked and pushed away from the bar, walking purposefully, but calmly, over to Joey. "Mutt." he smirked.

     "Now, damnit, Seto..." Joey started, but Seto bent down and took Joey's lips greedily in his. Sucking on Joey's bottom lip as he pulled away, Seto's ice cold blue eyes had sparks in them.

     "What?" he whispered seductively.

     "Uh..." Joey's brain could not work was all muddied up by lust right now. Seto stared at Joey, a small smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Le...le's get going."

     Seto smiled. "Right." He walked to the front of the club, Joey following behind. Once outside the entrance, a sleek, black limousine was waiting, with a tall, stocky, short brown haired man standing by the door. Joey looked to Seto for just a moment before tentatively climbing in, looking like he was afraid he was going to break something. Seto followed closely behind, the door shutting after him.

     "Who dat?" Joey asked, curiosity getting the better of him.

     "Roland, my driver." Seto pulled out a bottle of champagne from an ice bucket and filled a flute partially full. Smirking, he pulled out another bottle and poured it half full of a white liquid. He handed that glass to Joey and took the champagne for himself. He raised his glass, clinking Joey's.

     Joey looked suspiciously at his glass, but then sipped it. He glared at Seto, who almost did a spit take at the look on Joey's face. "What? I thought cats loved milk." How Seto kept a straight face, he would never know.

     "Ha, ha real funny bloodsucka." Joey guiltily drank the milk, purring ever so slightly at the taste.

     Seto smirked. "Wha? Whaizzit?" Joey asked, looking at Seto. Seto leaned over, sticking his tongue out and ever so gently licking the drop of milk from the corner of Joey's mouth, never taking his eyes off of Joey's eyes. Joey's breathing picked up.

     The car stopped then, and Seto's door opened. Seto leaned back, never taking his eyes off of Joey, and climbed out of the car, handing the empty champagne flute to Roland. Joey jumped out, handing his to Roland as well, blushing a deep burgundy.

     They were in front of a large theater. Joey raised an eyebrow questioningly. Seto took Joey's hand and led him inside the empty, but fully lit theater.

     Seto went to the two best seats in the house and sat down. Joey sat next to him, still looking confused. Right as the lights dimmed, he saw Seto smirk.

     The lights then came up on the stage. The scwnw looked to be of an alley, with some pipes.  A cat came out center stage.  Realization dawned on Joey.  Joey tried hard to look offended, but secretly, he was thrilled. He had always wanted to see the musical "Cats". Now he got to have his very own personal showing. He quickly lost himself in the musical.

     Seto was lost too, in Joey. He did not see the performance, only Joey's reaction to it.  He lost himself in the experience that was Joey.  He felt himself falling in love even more with every laugh, every smile, every scowl, and every frown that Joey made.

     When the musical was over, Joey jumped up, giving a standing ovation.  He then proceeded to whoop and holler his appreciation.  Seto smiled and stood, clapping gracefully.

     Seto them took Joey's hand and led him back out to the limosuine.  Joey's nose perked up at the smell that wafted out when Roland opened the door.  "Pizza!!  I am starving!"  He dived into the limo and proceeded to start stuffing his face full of the hot cheesy delicacy.  Seto crawled in next to Joey and watched Joey devour an entire large pizza by himself.  Joey looked up guiltily as he finished off the last slice.  "Uhhh, you hungry?"

     Seto smirked.  "Why, yes, I am.  I thought you would never ask."  He crawled over to Joey.  Eyes never leaving Joey's.  Joey scooted back until his back hit the door.  "Now, now...dis is our firs' date..." he said shakily.

     "You don't want me?"  Seto asked quietly, still keeping his eyes locked with Joey's. 

     "I...I never said dat."  Joey was breathing heavily.  "'s just dat...aren't we supposed ta kiss or sumthon first... "

     Seto gave a predatory smile.  "Okay."  He proceeded to kiss on Joey's neck, suctioning ever so slightly.  Joey felt himself harden in his pants at that light touch.  Seto nipped the skin of Joey's neck, causing Joey to twitch.  Joey's eyes flew open, hooded. 

     "My turn" he whispered breathily, flipping so Seto was laying on his back, Joey stradling him.  Shock registered for just a moment in Seto's eyes, followed by pleasure as Joey leaned down and started kissing Seto's abdomen, pulling Seto's shirt up for better access.  Joey trailed kisses as far as he could, until the damn shirt was nothing but in the way. 

     "Sorry."  Joey whispered.  Seto opened his mouth to ask what, as his shirt and coat were ripped off of him, leaving him bare chested in the pile of clothes.  Seto chuckled as Joey kissed up farther, licking, sucking, and biting on the pale nubs straining for attention on Seto's chest.

     Seto's chuckle turned to a growl as the car door was opened.  Roland stood there.  "Sir, we are back at The Pyramid."

     Seto climbed out.  Joey got shakily out, legs rubbery.  Seto looked at Joey with a primal hunger, as Joey stood, breathing heavy, lips swollen.  "Fuck it, you're mine."  He grabbed Joey over the shoulder and headed to his bedroom in the basement of the club.


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