Chapter 12: The Taking

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"Hey, Yami...I'll be right back in about 15, okay?" Yugi leaned over kissing Yami lightly.

Yami smiled at his lover as Aeon came into the office. "Okay, Love." Smiling at Yugi's retreating back, he turned his attention to Aeon. "Aeon, what can I help you with?"

Yugi shut the door, humming as he walked down the stairs. He passed Kurasha and smiled. "Aeon's upstairs, if you're looking for her."

Kurasha smiled at Yugi. "Thank you, Yugi. But, actually, I was looking for you."

"Me?" Yugi squeaked.

"Yes, you." Kurasha stated kindly. "I wanted to give you this." She held out her hand, and in it was a royal blue dragon scale.

Yugi took it from her. "'s really beautiful. Thank you."

She smiled. "It is one of mine. I wanted you to have it. Yami has one of the only two other scales I have ever given up. They can find each if you two are ever separated, you can find your way back to each other."

Yugi smiled, hugging Kurasha. "Thanks!'re a..." Recognition dawned on Yugi's face. "You're a dragon?"

Kurasha smiled and curtseyed. "At your service."

Yugi smiled, shaking his head. "Wow...a dragon." He grinned, "Can I have a ride sometime?"

Kurasha laughed. "Of course, little one. But now, onto your looked pretty determined."

Yugi smiled. "Yea, gotta help Kisara." He waved, walking out.


"Hey, Kisara." Yugi smiled at Kisara, who was sitting on a bench, a pool of light shining on her head from the lamppost.

She turned, smiling. "Oh, Yugi! I am so glad you are here. I know we haven't gotten time to speak much, but if Yami trusts you, I know I can. And..." she smiles sadly, "I am sorry we won't get to know each other better. But, I want Seto happy."

Yugi shifted uncomfortably. "Yea...well, uh, where is the surprise?" He rubbed his neck, looking around.

"Oh, over here...I couldn't move it...sorry."

"That's okay." He walked over, looking in the bushes. Suddenly, a net sprung up, around Yugi's body, pulling him up in the air. Yugi screamed in pain, as the netting was intertwined with silver, burning his flesh. Hot pain flared. "Kisara! Get out of here...something's wrong!"

Kisara stood, staring hatefully at Yugi. "I have to save Seto. Please, come out." She twisted her head back and forth, eyes lighting on someone.

In between the hot flares of pain, Yugi saw a woman with jet black hair step out, looking at her prize. "You have done well, Kisara. This will help you to save Seto."

Joey, please help, I am in the park...Kisara is here and I'm hurt. "Save, Seto...what are you all..." at that moment, ice blue smoke came from the woman's fingers, and Yugi slumped, unconscious. Smiling, the woman moved her fingers and the net containing Yugi flew to her. She pulled a small black cloth from her pocket, threw it on the ground and a hole appeared. She stepped through, with Yugi. Then the hole disappeared.


"Yug!" Joey's eyes got huge and he transformed as he started running out of the club. He ran as fast as he could across the street, through the park, following Yugi's scent. Skidding to a stop, he saw a woman step into a hole in the ground. He ran as fast as his legs could carry him and leapt for the hole, only to have his snout slammed into the earth as the hole disappeared.

Turning, he saw Kisara and snarled, then sprinted at top speed to the club, slowing only to transform so the brute squad wasn't called in about a rabid leopard on the loose. He burst into Seto's office. Seto immediately stood, instantly aware of his lover's state.

"Seto, Yug's in danger! He was just kidnapped!" Panting, Joey turned back to the hallway.

Seto's cobalt eyes went wide and he was at the door in an instant, heading for Yami's office. "Come. I will get Yami."


Aeon smiled. "Thank you, Yami! I know she will love it." Aeon got up, hugged Yami, and then headed out. As she was walking down the steps she was met with a gust of air, and a few steps later by...Joey...was that his name? Well, he looked to be in a hurry, whoever he was. Humming, she searched for Kurasha.


No sooner had the door shut than it banged open again. Yami chuckled, "Forget something, Aeon?" The chuckle died in his throat at the sight before him. Seto stood, face actually showing...concern. Just then, Joey ran up, panting.

"'s Yug..he..he was kidnapped!"

Immediately, everything went into sharp focus. Yami noticed the speck of dust on Kaiba's coat collar...the bead of sweat that slid down Joey's jaw. "Where was he last?" Yami asked, voice ice cold.

"Da park with..." Joey's eyes darted to Seto before back to Yami "Kisara."

"Kisara! Why didn't you say two were kidnapped?" Seto snapped.

Joey growled, hackles raising. "She wasn't. She was standing by, watching as the person took him!"

Yami glared. "Enough! This petty squabbling is wasting enough time." Yami looked at Seto. "Go, get the ninjas."

Seto nodded. Joey and Yami sat in tense silence for what seemed an eternity, but, according to the clock was only 4 minutes and 32 seconds. If one hair was hurt on Yugi's head, they would all burn in the most horrific way possible by the most tortuous means available. And, living through the Spanish Inquisition, all the wars, the Bubonic Plague, and the Kardashians...he knew torture.

Suddenly the door opened, Seto standing there. In rushed Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, and Hinata. "Seto said you needed our help. What's going on?" Naruto exclaimed, worry in his bright blue eyes.

"Yugi has been kidnapped. Please help me get him back." Yami stated.

"You know we will, believe it!" Naruto exclaimed.

Sakura stepped up. "Yami, is there anyone who saw this happen...or can you take us to where it happened?"

Yami looked to Joey. Joey nodded. "Come on, we can do both!"


Yugi opened his eyes slowly, his head throbbing. He was in a dark room. Luckily, due to his leopard heritage, he could still see that he was in a dungeon. Silver chains burned his flesh. How the hell did he get naked?

A scuffling noise brought him back to his senses. He saw someone walking slowly towards him. Staring at them, he saw the hand reach out, towards him. He moved to stay away from that touch. The hand went by him, flipping a switch that was just out of reach. Light flooded the room. He saw the woman, and also another figure walked in.

The woman's form melted away to..."Damien! What are you doing?" Yugi exclaimed.

Damien paid no heed. Looking at the cloaked figure, his next words jumbled around in Yugi's head. "Maelstrom, I have brought you the boy. My payment." He extended a hand.

"Yes...You delivered in excellent time...I promised that Exodia would be yours." She pulled out the crimson bladed dagger. "And so it shall be." With lightning quick reflexes, she pierced Damien's heart. His body didn't even have time to register an emotion, as his body slumped to the floor, the silver trail of his soul being sucked into the blade. Turning back to Yugi, a long, thin tongue snaked out, licking the blood from the blade.

"Oh, yes...I am going to have fun with you before I destroy you." Yugi's eyes grew wide. Joey, please...

"Your mind link doesn't work here boy. No one will save you, especially not your lover. But first...I think I may have to see what he was so up in arms about..." she laughed, as a bead of sweat ran down Yugi's jaw, dropping onto the floor.

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