Chapter 15: The Rescue

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     "Yami...please, let me get to him."  Sakura pleaded.  Yami looked up at Sakura.  Gently laying Yugi's head down, he backed away, nodding. 

      "Yes...please.  Save him.  Save my Aibou."  He stood and stepped back.  Seto came and stood, one hand on Yami's shoulder, the other wrapped around Joey.  Hinata stood, still wrapped in Naruto's embrace, fingertips nervously playing with each other.  Naruto watched, concern in his bright blue eyes.  Sasuke stood by, impassive.

     Naruto knew how much Yugi meant to Yami.  He had seen the painting of the fountain, he remembered the long talks and sorrow in Yami's face.  Yugi must be the reincarnation of Heba.  That is the only one Yami would call Aibou.  It might mean partner to most, but to Yami it was not a label, but a position.  His partner, his soulmate, the only one to fill his other half.

     Sakura knelt over Yugi, crossing her fingers into a cross formation.  A light green mist came from her fingers.  She ran her hands slowly over Yugi's chest.  As she passed over each cut, a small clink could be heard.  Yami looked and saw that she was pulling the silver out of the cut and dropping the fragments on the floor, the wound healing after each movement.  She then tended to his wrists.  While she did that, Sasuke went over, freeing Yugi's feet from the restraints.  She then moved to Yugi's ankles.  Finally, she moved to his head.

      After about 10 minutes of that painstaking work, Sakura sat back on her heels, sweating.  "I have stopped the bleeding, and healed the wounds as best as they will, considering this is silver.  Were are allergic to silver, correct?"  She looked to Joey.

     "Y..yea."  Joey answered, eyes on Yugi.  "Is my Alpha gonna be okay?"  He looked to her, eyes red, puffy, and pleading.

     "He should be fine.  He lost a lot of blood, went through a massive amount of trauma, but his heartbeat is good.  He may have some scars."  She frowned.  "We need to get him home, so he can rest comfortably."

     "Yea..."  Joey stepped forward, but Yami was already there, gently picking Yugi up. 

     "I can take him Yam', I know the quickest way to the prowl house."  He reached for Yugi but stopped as Yami gave him a death glare.
      "He is not leaving my sight."  Yami said coldly.

     Joey flinched as if struck.   Seto raised an eyebrow.  "This is hardly Joey's fault."  Seto said in a clipped tone.

     Yami glared at Seto.  "I never said it was.  It is you I blame."  he snarled at Seto.

     Seto's cobalt eyes widened in surprise.  "Me?"

     "Yes, you."  Voice dripping venom, he continued.  "If you could have kept your dick in your pants, Kisara wouldn't have felt the need to win you back,  thus making a deal with the devil." Yami sneered.

     Seto's eyes went icy.  "Really?  This is my fault?  Who was the one who let Yugi go out alone?"

     Yami's fangs grew.  "I would watch myself, cousin"  Yami spat.  "I would hate to make Joey a widow."

     Naruto disentangled himself from Hinata and stood between the two.  "Awright, everyone just calm down!  Yami,"  he looked at Yami, getting in Yami's line of sight so he could make eye contact.  "Take Yugi home.  Joey,"  he looked at Joey, "take Seto anywhere but home for an hour or two."  Joey nodded, tugging at Seto, grabbing his hand.  Seto gave one last glare at Yami, turned, and followed Joey.

     "Guys,"  Naruto turned to Sasuke, Sakura, and Hinata, "let's go get some ramen!"


     Yami gently lay Yugi in bed.  He had Rafael bring in some warm water and wash clothes.  Dipping the cloth in the water, he gently wiped away the blood.  Tears filled his eyes as he wiped each cut.  "I am so sorry, Aibou." he whispered.  Yugi remained asleep, eyes closed.

     After satisfactorily cleaning Yugi, Yami went to make sure the fireplace was stoked, to keep the room warm.   Yami then stripped and climbed into bed, gripping Yugi to him.  He pulled up the covers,  tucking Yugi in.  Laying next to Yugi, he watched him sleep, never letting go.


     Joey took Seto to the park.  "What are we doing here?" Seto asked.  Joey shrugged. 

     "I just wanna keep ya away from Yam' dat's all." he said, looking at Seto.

     Seto looked down, and away.  Joey grabbed Seto's hand.  "It isn't your fault."  Joey whispered.  Seto's eyes were sad.

     "But, it was.  It was not intentional, but it was because of me.  Yami has every right to be angry."

     Joey gulped, then looked around, trying to think of something to say.  "'s are family...ya know, blood is thicker 'den water."

     Seto looked at Joey, smiling sadly.  "I don't know if Yami will forgive that easily.  I would not.  If the situation was reversed, I would have killed Yami.  You being hurt is unthinkable."

     Joey gulped, eyes wide.  "B...but Yami is your cousin!"

     Seto leaned down, kissing Joey lightly.  "Yes, but you are my life."

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