Chapter 24: Revelations

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     The lightning in the sky flashed brightly.  She looked up from under her cloak.  The time was drawing close.  She could feel it.  They were in complete disarray.  He was slipping.  Soon, she would own him.  He wouldn't be able to destroy her...she would own him.  The thunder rolled, masking her cackle.


     Red and Allea slept quite well, curled together.  It was only when Ji-Jin came to wake them did Allea realize how well she slept.  Smiling at Ji-Jin, she woke Red up.  He grunted, rolling back over.  "You might want to leave, in case he says something."  Ji-Jin nodded, stepping out.

     "C'mon, Red, time to get up."  She kisses his cheek.

     "I don' wanna."  Came the deep, rumbling reply.

     "Baby, they will be waiting."  She sighed, smiling.  This was the same as many mornings.

     "Five more minutes."  He grabbed her by the waist, pulling her down on the bed.  She giggled, smiling up at him.  "Mmmm, that's nice."  He mumbled as he snuggled back down.

     Allea had to admit, it felt nice.   She lay there for a couple minutes, enjoying the strength in his arms, the smell of him.  Sighing, she wiggled up.  "Come on.  Up.  Now."

     A hazel eye peeked over the cover.   "Do I hafta?"

     "Yes.  I am going to get dressed.  Hurry."  Smiling, she went into the bathroom, braiding her hair.  The squeaking of the mattress told her he was getting up.

     She smiled at him as he walked in.  He smiled back, then frowned at seeing the deep vertical gouges in her back where her powder blue wings used to be.  He touched the tip of one and she flinched.  "Does it still hurt?" he asked in concern.

     Brown eyes met hazel in the mirror.  "Every day."

     Red growled in frustration.  Allea turned, taking his face in her hands.  "Hey...we're still together, that's what's important."

     He growled, eyes turning sad.  "You're mortal now.  I'm still immortal."  He left unsaid the rest.

     Allea wrapped her hands around his neck, pulling him in close for a kiss.  "Then let's enjoy what we have."


     Yami, Yugi, Joey, and Seto sat in Yami's office, waiting for Ji-Jin and duo.  Yugi was tense, shooting glares at Seto.  Seto carefully avoided looking at Yugi.  Yami and Joey both sighed, noticing the tension.  "Aibou..."

     At that moment there was a knock on the door.  "Enter."  Yami's deep baritone vibrated through the air.  The door opened and Ji-Jin walked in, followed by Allea and Red.  Sitting around the table, Yugi spoke first.

     "Well?  How can you help us?"

     Yami let out a huge sigh and smiled apologetically.  "I am sorry...we are all just very, edgy..." he gave a warning glare to Yugi, grabbing Yugi's hand; Yugi promptly ignored the glare, but squeezed his hand.  "Maelstrom has been wreaking chaos here lately, no pun intended.  Both I and Seto almost died."

     Red sat, eyes watching everyone, scowl on his face.  Ji-Jin's eyes widened.  "The Final Death?"

     Yami nodded, but smiled.  "Don't worry Ji-Jin, I am pretty tough to kill."

     Ji-Jin could not help the worry that crept in his eyes, nor could he help what happened a few minutes later...

     Allea sat, facing the foursome.  Clearing her throat and folding her hands, she looked at them.  "Chaos demons are not necessarily what you expect from the name.  These demons derive from the Greek word daemon--D-A-E-M-O-N-which means a supernatural being somewhere between human status and god status.  Demons can be good or evil, and each have a specific power that is gifted to them.  Chaos demons do not follow Satan nor do his bidding.  There is a High Demon, who has followers.  The High Demon is the one who determines if their clan is good or evil."

     Rubbing Red's arm, she continued.  "Maelstrom is the highest of the High Demons, and she had only the most powerful in her control.  Red's gift is strength, and he WAS" her eyes stared at each of them, emphasizing what she was about to say. "Repeat, was-- her right hand demon.  However, as I explained before, he broke away and left her to save me."  Yugi and Joey were tense, Seto and Yami were strangely calm.

     "Maelstrom is after Yugi.  It has been foretold that a fey, spellcasting wereleopard would be her downfall or the key to her success.  If she can sway or control him, she will, quite literally, rule the world because of his power.  She gains power from chaos.  If there is truly a great deal of chaos occurring here, she must be close."

     Joey turned to Seto.  "Seto, dese people are puttin' you in more danger!  And dis Ji-Jin...what do ya know about him?  We may be walkin into a trap!"

     Seto looked at Joey.  "Sit down."  Joey blinked in the forcefulness of the statement.

     Yugi looked at Yami.  "Joey has a point.  Y..."

     Yami interrupted Yugi.  "I trust Ji-Jin with my life."

     Yugi glared at Yami.  "It is dangerous!  You trust too easily!"

     Yami looked hard at Yugi.  "He is my son."

     Just then, Allea let out a whimper, holding her forehead.  A faint green glow emitted from behind her hand.  Red glared, grabbing her close.  She pointed weakly at the book case.  Red looked, glared and stood, taking her to the bookshelf.  "She's here." She whimpered.

     "Who?!"  All five said in unison.


     All looked around.  Allea pointed to a picture, accidentally knocking it down, glass shattering.  "..this is...her."  As she passed into unconsciousness, her hand fell from her forehead, revealing a pale M glowing green in the middle of her forehead that was not seen before. 

     As Yami bent to pick up the picture, he stopped.  The picture was one taken about a year ago.  Mokuba had gotten a new camera.  He had taken some beautiful pictures of some of his friends in the garden.  It was a fun day, people were being goofy.  Several pictures were taken.  Yami had always liked this one specifically.  This one was of the fountain, and Rebecca sitting in front of it.

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