Chapter 4: The Split

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     Blood dripped down the slit in her neck.  Those pretty blue eyes would never see the light of day again.  They would never have a chance to kill her again.  She knew about true death.  And she was going to make sure Anzu had a true matter the cost.  As one of the last few gurgles were being exhaled, the life draining, she put her nose right to that bitch's face.

     "Anzu, you lost.  You thought you could usurp me?  I have been, and always will be, your superior.  You think you are the deliciousness that is Chaos?  Bitch, please...I AM Chaos.   And now, using Exodia, you will be no more."

     She took the dark crimson blade with the obsidian handle.  Anzu's blue eyes grew wide.  She started whimpering, "Please, no...Maelstrom, no!!!"  She screamed, as the dagger pierced Anzu's heart, destroying her soul, ceasing any chance of a resurrection or reincarnation.

     Looking at Anzu's lifeless body, Maelstrom just laughed.  "You should not have crossed me.  I am The Chaos Demon, bitch."  She grabbed the necklace from Anzu's neck, spitting on Anzu's lifeless body as she walked off.

     However, now Maelsteom had a problem.  She had to release Exodia's power, or it would threaten to destroy her.  Exodia never took without giving.  That was the bitch of Exodia, the tradeoff for a being's complete obliteration from existence.

     A noise caught her attention, to her left.  Quickly she turned to the source, going invisible.

     A blond with lilac eyes walked into the clearing, puffiness surrounding said eyes.  "Duke...Serenity." he whispered, sitting down near two stone monuments stuck crudely out of the ground.  He laid some flowers by each marker.  "I miss you both, so very much."

     Exodia started humming and vibrating in her hand.  Maelstrom shrugged.  Malik was as good as any. She walked out, Malik sobbing softly.  Sneaking up behind Malik, she sunk the blade deep in his left shoulder, leaving it for just a moment before yanking it out and taking flight.

     Malik howled in pain, whipping around to figure out what just happened, as a gust of wind hit his face.  All of sudden, Malik felt a burning sensation, starting in his feet and slicing up through the center of his being, escaping from his skull...and then all went black.


     Opening his eyes, Malik had what had to be the most horrific of all migraines.  As his eyes started to focus, he remembered what had happened, and went on alert, trying to sense danger.  At that moment, he noticed someone laying by Duke and Serenity's markers.  Someone...naked, with a blonde tail,  blonde hair, and blonde ears.  What the hell...

     "H...hello?" Malik asked.  "Are you okay?"

     The figure turned slowly, lilac eyes showing a slight maniacal glint.

     "Holy hell!"  Malik slid back as he looked at his double.  "What the hell?"

     "Hello my pretty."  His maniacal double cackled.

     "Wha...what is going on?"  Malik scooted back.  "Who are you?"

     His doppelganger smiled.  "I am you...your dark and crazy side that you never let out.  I am your yami.  You are my hikari."

     "Oh, fuck no."  Malik whispered, eyes wide.  "No, no, no...I am a good leopard."

     "Yes, you are..." the twin started stalking Malik.

     "Wha...what do you want?"

     "You."  Deep, dark and primal.

     Malik gulped, ignoring rhe primal tingle that word elicited.  A dark chuckle escaped his twin's lips.
     " did this happen?" Malik whimpered pitifully.

     "Exodia.  And, by the way...I am you need a different name." Self proclaimed Malik stated.

     The Leopard Formerly Known As Malik stood, backing away.  "That's my name!"

     "Not anymore.  Now you are Marik.  I am I always have been."  New Malik stalked towards New Marik, a dangerous gleam in his eyes. Marik put his hands up.  "Okay, okay...let's get you back to my Alpha...he will know what to do.  C...can you transform your ears and tail away?"

     Malik looked at Marik. "Of course, but why would I want to?  They're fun." 

     Marik sighed.  This was going to be difficult to say the least.  He just shook his head, leading Malik back to the prowl house.

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