Chapter 6: Brothers

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     Yugi sat straight up in bed.  "Yami!" 

     Yami turned, eyes bright with concern.  "What is it aibou?"

     Yugi jumped up, transforming into his leopard form.  "We have to go, something bad is happening."

     Yami slipped into pants and a shirt with his lightning reflexes, and caught up to Yugi going up the steps.  Yami silently followed Yugi.  The club was empty of patrons by this time, as it was after 3 a.m.  A few employees were still there, cleaning up, puttimg up chairs, and counting the till.

     Yugi slid to a stop as Malik entered, in leopard form.  Yugi's head titled in confusion.  It looked like Malik, didn't.  "Malik?"  Yugi asked, Yami standing silently at his side.

     Malik rushed past Yugi, not even acknowledging him.  Yugi turned, following him, Yami right behind.  Yami's eyebrow raised as he realized they were heading to Seto's room.

     Malik let out a roar as he burst into the room, after smashing head first into Allistair, who had jumped in front of the door.  Allistair crumpled, unconscious as he hit the floor hard, a sick thud resounding as his head bounced off the stone floor.  Seto was standing, Kisara behind him on the bed.  "Seto!" she screamed, clutching his arm.

     Yami stepped into the room and to the side as he heard running behind him. In ran two other leopards...a blond one with lilac eyes, petite, but with a ferocious glint in those lilac eyes, and one with honey colored fur, which was the largest, with honey eyes.   The first one to run in ran at Seto, teeth bared, foam dripping from his mouth.  Seto easily dodged, pulling Kisara with him.  Yugi ran to grab that one.  He jumped on the blond leopard.  "Malik!  What has gotten into you?!?"

     Malik, in pure rage, flung Yugi off of him.  Yugi slid on his side, slamming against the wall with a sickening thud.  Yami's eyes blazed, and he took a step forward, clenching his fists, trying to contain his rage.  Malik lunged again, as the other blond lunged at Malik.  Yami watched the battle confused.   He started towards Yugi, who was struggling to get up, whimpering in pain.

     The two blond leopards rolled around, snarling, mewling, and scratching at each other.  With a violent kick, Malik sliced at the other blond's face, back claw making contact with the soft lilac eye, causing extensive damage.  Marik howled in pain. "Mal..Marik!  Yugi, get Marik!"  Joey growled, positioning himself between Seto and Malik. 

     Yugi ran-limped over to Marik, sniffing around him.  By this time the noise was enough to being the few remaining workers in.  Rafael came running in.  Upon seeing Allistair, he ran to him and started tending to him.  "Brother, wake up!"  Upon feeling the blood at the back of the skull, he was making quick work of ripping his cotton tee shirt into strips to try to wrap around the wound and staunch the flow of blood.

     Honda came in as well.  Malik lunged again for Seto as Joey lunged right back, grabbing Malik by the throat.  Joey forced Malik into submission, never letting go of Malik's throat.  Holding Marik, Yugi looked at Malik.  "We have never met," Yugi said in a commanding voice, "but you will stand down, or my enforcer will rip out your throat."  A few tense seconds floated by.  Joey was at attention, waiting for Yugi's command.  Finally, sweating and trembling, Malik returned to his normal naked form, with tail and cat ears.

     Marik, Yugi, and Joey also transformed back into human form.  Bakura walked in, clapping.  "Well, that was fun.  Someone wanna tell me what the fuck I missed?"  He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall.

     Immediately Ryou ran in the room, getting in front of Bakura.  "I..I am sorry, Yami....the noise drew him and I couldn't stop him." Ryou was panting with exertion from running to catch Bakura.

     Yami stood in front of Bakura as several sets of eyes glared murder at Bakura.  The fear of Yami was truly the only thing that stopped another onslaught.  "Wow, for fuck's sake...I seem to have made alot of enemies and I don't even know how.  That is fucking awesome!"  He chuckled low in his throat.

     Yami stood tall.  "None will harm him.  He has my mark of protection
.." at that he turned around and smacked Bakura's forehead...perhaps a bit too hard...and the eye glowed momentarily.  As voices started to grumble in protest, Yami held up a hand.  "I have called for a meeting tomorrow night.  All will be discussed and explained then.  Bakura WILL" he glared at Bakura "stay in the dungeon until then...or I will kill him myself."

     Bakura rolled his eyes.  "Fine."  he sighed.  "Sexyme, lead me there."  Ryou blushed six shades of red.  "We can use the chains...that way you can make sure I stay."  He waggled his eyebrows as Ryou pushed Bakura out of the room.

     Honda stood, looking at Yami.  "Master, you know I am loyal to the end.  I will beef up security; my clan will come."  At that point, his skin started turning gray and hardening, and gray stone wings grew out of his back.  He turned and left, heading up the stairs.

     Kisara was wide eyed, standing behind Seto.  "What was...who was..."

     "Gargoyle."  Seto said, eyes on Joey.

     Yugi looked at Yami, eyes glassy.  "I need a healer...I don't know if he will be able to see."  Yami nodded and left the room.  Yugi looked at the leopards. "What is going on?"

     Joey, still pinning Malik, looked at Yugi.  "Malik got hit by Exodia, which split him in two-dark an' light.  Who we know as Malik is in your arms and is light.  But dis dark side of Malik, who I got, is keepin the name Malik. got Marik.  Dis don't make a damn bit of sense. "  Joey growled in fruatration.

     "Why did he come after Seto?"  Yami asked, bringing Rebecca in.  She gasped and ran over to Marik.

     "Please, Yugi...let me see him.  Let me see if I can heal his eye."  Yugi leaned back, but wouldn't let go.  Rebecca started chanting, light green mist coming from her fingers.

     "He hurt my brother."  Malik choked out. 

     Yugi looked confused.  "Y...your brother?"

     Malik smiled.  "All the prowl are my brothers and sisters."  At that comment, Joey released him, sitting back on his butt, looking shocked.

     Marik sat up.  "Thank you, Rebecca.  I am better."  Rebecca nodded, looking concerned.

     "Can you see?"  She sat back, worry on her face.  Marik stood and walked over to Malik, crouching down.  Staring at his double, he smoothed the hair out of his eyes.

     "Enough.  I will heal, thanks to Yami and your quick action.  For that I thank you."  Rebecca nodded, and moved over to start working on healing Allistair.

     "I need to take Malik and work with him.  He is like a newborn after transformation.  He has much to learn."  Marik smiled gently, grabbing Malik's hand.  "Yami, may we stay here tonight?"  Marik asked quietly.

     "I think that would be best.  Third door on the right."  Yami said quietly, arms folding across his chest.  He was staring at Seto, eyes hard.  Seto refused to look at Yami, and instead seemed very interested in the floor.  

     Blood dripped slowly from cuts on Joey's back.  Seto gently put a hand on one of the cuts, which was starting to heal.  "Mutt, you need to get cleaned up."  Seto said quietly.

     Marik stood at the door, helping Malik stand on shaky legs.  "Joey, are you coming?"  He asked, helping Malik to the door. 

     "Yea."  Joey said thickly, not looking back.


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