Chapter 16: Waking Up

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    Yugi jerked awake, scared.  Looking around, he saw he was in his bedroom at Yami's.  Calming, realizing it must have been a horrific nightmare, he settled back in the bed.  Stretching, he smiled, amethyst lighting upon his lover's face, crimson eyes staring at him.  "Hey, Yami."  He leaned over, kissing Yami.  Yami kissed him back tentatively.

     "Aibou, are you okay?"  Worried eyes drank in his appearance.

     "Of course, why wouldn't I be?"  Confused, he scrunched his eyebrows, looking to Yami.

     Worry was definitely in the crimson now.  "Because you were brutalized last night?"

     Amethyst went from happy to upset.  "I was hoping that was a nightmare.  I feel okay, how can that be?"  Suddenly the happy mood went away.  Yugi wrapped his arms around himself.  Sighing, he snuggled closer, tears in his eyes as he relieved the memories of last night.

     Yami tilted his head up, kissing his nose.  "Sakura used her healing chakra on you."  Yugi nodded, tears spilling.  Yami's heart ripped at his Aibou's pain.  "I am so sorry."  Yami choked.  "I failed you.  I am supposed to protect you, and I failed."

     Yugi snuggled closer still to Yami, cheek on his chest.  "Is not your fault."  He sniffled, rubbing his nose.  "I went with Kisara to check out a surprise for you."  He said gloomily.  Guilt ripped Yami more.  Suddenly, Yugi lifted his face, eyes wide, pain fresh.  "What did you see?" he whispered.

     Yami swallowed thickly.  " were lying in a pool of blood, you...had cuts on..."  his hand drifted to Yugi's chest.  The scars were there, just pale.   Yami shut his eyes.  "I am so sorry, Aibou.  So very, very sorry."  Yami gripped Yugi to him.  Yugi closed his eyes, hugging Yami back. 

     What will you do when Yami abandons you...

     Yugi shook his head, eyes shut tight.  The memory of those words haunting his mind...

     What will you do when he finds out you cheated on hand was on you, I violated you...

     Yugi whimpered, scooting away from Yami.

     Yami felt like his heart was squeezed out of his chest into dust on the floor.  Yugi...Yugi blamed him.  He tried to apologize and Yugi didn't want him touching him.  Yami felt ill, truly sick to his stomach.  He was breathing shallowly, his head starting to throb.  "Yugi...please...please forgive me."  He reached out to Yugi.

     You're unclean.  Defiled.  How could Yami ever want you?  Yami, the Pharoah, deserves better than your filth.

     Yugi's eyes grew wide.  He jumped up, sprinting from the room, down the hall, to a small storage closet.  Crawling inside, he shut and barred the door.  Vomiting at losing his mate, the tears poured forth, running in streams down his face as he silently sobbed his heart out.


     Joey woke up, laying across the bottom of the bed.  Seto was sleeping in the bed, on his side.  Joey smirked.  Seto looked so cute sleeping.  Joey leaned up, pawing at the bangs in Seto's eyes.  Seto pushed a hand across his bangs, wrinkling his nose, and rolled on his back, still sleeping.

     Joey grinned.  He took a finger and poked Seto's chin.  No response.  He poked Seto's nose.  No response.  He poked Seto's lips.  Seto grimaced, rubbing his mouth.  Joey chuckled.  Seto opened one eye.  "What are you doing, Mutt?"

     Joey frowned playfully.  "Waking you up."  Seto groaned and rolled over, looking at the clock.  "It's not even 7pm yet, let me sleep."

     Joey crawled onto Seto's back, sitting on it.  "Nope, its time to get up.  I'm hungry.  Feed me."  He started batting at Seto's hair.

     Seto growled.  "You're starting to piss me off, Mutt."  He flipped over, flipping Joey to the mattress and pinning him.  "I don't like being woken up."

     Joey grinned.  "Tough."  He stuck his tongue out and licked the tip of Seto's nose.

     "What the fuck, man?"  Seto jumped up, wiping his nose in disgust.  "That's gross." 

     Slipping on pants, he headed to the door.  Opening it, he looked back at Joey.


     Joey jumped off the bed, happily chasing after Seto.  Seto took him to the kitchen and started looking for food.  "Here."  Seto tossed Joey a raw tuna steak as he kept looking.  Joey jumped up on the counter and sniffed it and smiled, taking a big bite out of it.  Seto looked up, and upon seeing that, rolled his eyes.  He kept digging in the fridge.

     Suddenly, the food seemed to expand and stick in Joey's throat as his eyes landed on an object.  When Seto didn't hear Joey's chewing after a few seconds, he looked back at Joey, who was staring at him.  "What?"  Seto asked.

     "I...I jus' wasn't expectin' to still see dat."  He motioned to Seto's left hand, where his wedding band was still on.  Seto looked to Joey.  Shutting the refrigerator door and walking up to him, he put his hands on Joey's cheeks.  Putting a gentle kiss on Joey's lips and never breaking eye contact, he pulled the ring off and laid it in his left hand.  Forming a fist, he held his left hand up and squeezed.  As he opened his hand, crushed powder fell from his hand,  the ring nothing but dust.

     "Better?"  Seto whispered.

     Joey just nodded, setting down the tuna steak.  "I promise ya won' regret pickin' me over her." he whispered, squeezing Seto tight.

     Seto looked back into Joey's eyes.  Speaking softly, looking lovingly into his lover's eyes, Seto whispered, "The only thing I  am gonna regret is the fleas." 

     Joey's eyes narrowed.  "I ain't got no fleas."  He scratched right behind his ear at that exact moment, and Seto had to laugh.  Joey frowned.  "Shaddap."

     Joey hopped off the counter.  "Le's go check on Yug." he suggested.  Seto hung back. 

     "I don't think Yami wants to see me right now."

     "So?" Joey queried.  "Yug'll wanna to see ya. "   He tugged Seto along towards Yami's bedroom.

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