Chapter 23: Reasons

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     Joey watched Seto as he sat on the bed.  Seto refused to sit, his back to Joey.  Joey honestly did not know what to think now.  He just watched his friend threaten to send his lover to the Final Death.  While Joey thought Seto had a soul, and they would be together after Joey died and Seto experienced the FD, as Joey called it, he didn't want to think about the afterlife right now.

     He didn't like silence, either.  "So, uh, Seto...what did ya wanna talk about?"

     Seto kept his back turned.  Was it due to not wanting to face Joey, or being unable to face Joey...Joey didn't know.  All he knew was Seto was hurting and he didn't know how to fix it. 

     Seto cleared his throat.  "Look, I am not the mushy, romantic, fanboy type."  Seto stated, quietly.  "I don't give my love or my loyalty easily.  But now,"  Seto turned, staring at Joey.  "You have stolen both.  And I don't know if I hate you or me more because of it."  His eyes went to the floor.

     Joey shook his head, confused.  "I don't understand?"

     Seto turned, walking to Joey and sitting on his knees in front of Joey, sinking in the plush carpet.  Looking at Joey, his eyes were fierce.  "You are my weak spot.  What I felt for Kisara is magnified 100,000 times in my feelings for you.  If anyone hurt you, I...I am not sure that I would be better than Yami.  I have been denying the true depths of my feelings for you, because those feelings make me weak.  I hate being weak."

     Joey just looked at Seto.  "Man, I don' know what you grew up with, makes me strong.  If something threatened you, I would kill."

     Seto shook his head.  "But don't you see, they can use you against me.  I am the third oldest vampire. Not only am I putting you in danger, but..."  he growled, shaking his head.

     Joey leaned down, kissing Seto's forehead.  "You've never truly been in love, have ya?"

     Seto frowned.  "I loved Kisara."

     Joey smirked.  "Not da same ting."

     "I don't know what you're talking about then."

     "Ya love Mokuba."

     "Yes."  Seto was starting to look annoyed. 

     "Fine...go talk ta Yami about dis, I don' wanna have dis talk wit''s as bad as da birds and bees."

     Seto sighed.  "Fine.  But, Joey...I don't want to lose you...but I don't open up easily.  You are going to have to be patient with me."

     Joey smiled.  "I've got da rest of my life." 

     With that, Seto smiled, leaning up, and taking Joey's lips in a gentle kiss.


     Yami felt rather than saw Yugi's tension.  Holding a hand out, he stopped Yugi from advancing.  "I trust Ji-Jin, so I know he does not trust easily.  If he has brought you both here, it is because he trusts you.  So, please...sit.  Would you like anything to eat or drink?"

     Allea looked to Red.  He shook his head no.  "We are fine, thank you." she said, smiling.

     Yami nodded.  "Not to be rude, but...does he speak?"

     Ji-Jin looked at Allea.  "To no one but me.  If he spoke, he would crush your eardrums.  Each chaos demon has a special ability.  His is strength.  His voice is as strong as he.  I am afraid, Yami," she smiled adoringly up at Red, "he is stronger than even you."

     Yami raised an eyebrow.  "How are your eardrums not crushed, if I may ask?"

     Allea turned to him, smiling.  "I used to be an angel on the High Council.  Red was a power to be reckoned with, one of the top five chaos demons.  We had run-ins with him before.  Unbeknownst to us, he had fallen in love with an angel, and was trying to sneak into the heavens to warn us of the attack to save her.  You see, his voice does not affect angels, so he could try to warn us."  She gripped his hand, rubbing his arm.

     "However, the High Council deemed him a threat and a diversionary tactic from the other demons, so they decided to sacrifice him.  I believed him and his warnings as he was sealed in the Handcuffs of Light.  I went to the holding area in the middle of the night and released him.  The other angels, including Odion, cast me from the heavens, snipping my wings.  Red found me, unconscious.  He nursed me back to health."  Red stepped behind her, putting his arms around her protectively, glaring at Yami, Yugi, and even Ji-Jin.

     "Come to find out, the angel he was trying to save was me."  She turned, putting a hand to his face, and leaning on tiptoe, kissed him.

     Turning back around, she looked at Yami.  "I wouldn't let the angels nor the demons know you knew us, if I were you.  We are personas non gratas..."

     Yami nodded.  "Please, accept my offer to sleep up and rest after your journey.  Perhaps tomorrow night we could meet with a couple other trusted people of mine, and discuss what we know and how you can help."

     Allea looked at Red.  Reading some expression on his face, Allea turned back around.  "That will be fine, but we ask that the fewer the better.  Our lives are in jeopardy helping you."

     Yami nodded.  Yugi stepped up.  "Then why are you helping us?"  his tone harsh.

     "Because, it is the right thing to do.  Also, Maelstrom has me marked for death."  As Allea looked down, Red growled, squeezing her tightly.

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