Chapter 3: Stormy Night

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    As I laid down to go to bed a storm started. One thing I was absolutely terrified of was storms. I bundled myself in the covers and turned the TV on to try and drown out the sounds of thunder. The furniture on the balcony kept moving around and scaring me, I turned the volume higher. Then the thunder cracked loudly and the power went out. I screamed and pulled the covers over my head. I know it seems so childish, but I really hate storms. I clutched my phone debating on whether this would constitute as an emergency. Something on the balcony banged loudly against the glass door. Definitely an emergency.

    ‘Are you awake?’ I sent to Kimi

    ‘Unfortunately. I said only emergencies.’ I could picture his frustrated face and that he was probably regretting his decision.

    ‘It is. Please come.’ 

    I waited under the covers until I heard a knock at the door. I quickly jumped up and ran to the door. I looked through the peephole but was nothing because it was dark. I pulled the door open and with my phones light I could see Kimi. He did not look happy to be here.

    “What?” he asked frustrated.

    “The power is out.” I said

    “That’s okay. Cause its night. You sleep, you no see dark.” He was definitely not happy, but he did come. That must mean he cares a little.

    “No but it’s a storm.” I was glad it was dark since I knew I was blushing now. “I’m really scared of storms.”

    “You‘re kidding.” He groaned.

    “Please don’t leave me alone.” I begged.

    “Heidi. I need sleep.” Even angry, I loved when he said my name.

    “You can sleep in here. I have two beds.” It was silent for a moment. Well except for the horrid storm raging on outside.

    I felt Kimi push passed me. I smiled relieved. I let the door close. I could hear him get into the other bed that was closer to the window. I crawled back into my bed and wrapped the covers around myself. A large flash followed by the defining  crack of thunder caused me to gasp. I did my best to hold in the scream. I didn’t want him to leave. I could hear him roll over.

    “Are you really THAT afraid?”

    “Deathly afraid. I’ve Been terrified since I was a  little girl.”

    “You are still a little girl.” Kimi huffed. I didn’t fight him on this, despite the fact that I wanted to remind him that I am an adult too. Not a child like he clearly thinks I am. It thundered again causing me to jump. I began to quiver with fear. His bed shifted and I knew he was up.

    “Please, Kimi. I will try to be more quiet. I’m just scared.” I said fighting back tears.

    Instead I felt me bed move and Kimi slid in. I hadn’t stop shaking and I knew he could now feel it. I tear slid down my cheek. I felt him wipe it away, although I don’t know how he could see it in the dark. He pulled me into he chest.

    “Better?” He asked.

    “Better.” I repeated robotically. Still stunned at what is taking place.

    When I woke up in the morning Kimi was gone. He wasn’t even in the room. The room was now light and I was thankful the storm had passed. I quickly got ready and made my way to the track. As I walked down the paddock I overheard Seb talking to someone.

    “Yeah, Kimi was not in his room last night.” Sebastian was talking to Heikki.

    “Really? Weird. Where could he have been it was a terrible storm last night.” Heikki replied.

    “Not sure. He left the bar with Heidi, but I know he was in his room because I borrowed a pillow from him before I went to bed. Then when I went to see him at later to ask for shampoo he was not there.” Seb mused.

    I took a sip of the coffee I had picked up on the way to the track and then kept walking. The sun was bright so I pushed my sunglasses down on my face and kept walking. I had such a headache and felt dreadful from being up late last night. I hope Kimi doesn’t feel this bad. I stepped into the garage and looked around, I didn’t see Kimi anywhere. Alonso instantly spotted me and came over.

    “Did you sleep well princess?” He asked.

    “Not really.” I shrugged. “Don’t call me princess.”

    “Sorry. Wow, you’re not as nice in the mornings.” he chuckled.

    “I’m only on my first cup of coffee. Try me later.” I managed a small smile. My head was throbbing.

    I found a place to sit down. I hoped I had hurt Nando’s feelings, but he was right I’m not the nicest person when I don’t get much sleep. And I can’t stand people calling me princess. Its probably one of my biggest pet peeves. I looked up to see Kimi walking into the garage eating an icecream. He had his sunglasses on as well and seemed to be in a good mood. Although you never really can tell.

    “Good morning Kimi” I said as he walked past me.

    “Good morning.” He replied emotionlessly and continued to walk past. Nothing had changed.

    The race was amazing Kimi won and Fernando came in fourth. I couldn’t be more proud of my Ferrari boys. Fernando informed me that I HAD to go out and celebrate with them. I was tired and really didn’t want to go out with them, but despite my better judgment I agreed.

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